

篇名 後疫情時代幼兒防疫行為之研究
並列篇名 Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era: A Study on Preschool Children's Preventive Behaviors
作者 陳麗珠 、張宥沁
中文摘要 COVID-19新冠肺炎席捲全球,造成全球150個國家因疫情而停課,嚴重影響學生學習與健康。本研究旨在了解幼兒在幼兒園內防疫行為之落實現況,研究對象聚焦於2至6歲幼兒,藉由半結構式問卷,訪談6位教保服務人員了解幼兒防疫行為樣態。本研究之結論共有四點:一、幼兒在疫情爆發之後,產生許多日常飲食行為的質變;二、幼兒能落實戴口罩與環境消毒措施,潛移默化中已建立身體動作防疫習慣;三、幼兒能實踐主動保持社交距離的防疫行為,並會主動提醒同學保持社交距離;四、多數幼兒能配合午睡時戴口罩,建議觀察疫情狀況予以調整。本研究提出相關防疫建議,以供相關單位參考,共同守護幼兒健康。
英文摘要 More than 150 countries across the planet were or had been affected by preschool and school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to understand the implementation of children's preventive behaviors in preschools. The semi-structured interview was conducted by using a sample from 6 preschool educators in Taiwan. The conclusions for this study were as follows: (1) After the outbreak of the pandemic, children had made many qualitative changes in their daily eating behaviors. (2) The children were able to wear masks and disinfect the environment, and had established the habit of physical movement to prevent the epidemic by implication. (3) Children could take the initiative to keep a social distance and remind their classmates to follow the rules together. (4) Most of the children could wear masks during nap time, and it was recommended to adjust them according to the pandemic situation in the future. Based on the results of our research, some epidemic prevention suggestions were provided for relevant units to jointly protect the health of children.
頁次 034-048
關鍵詞 後疫情時代 新型冠狀病毒 幼兒 防疫行為 post-pandemic era COVID-19 preschool children preventive behaviors
卷期 333
日期 202206
刊名 幼兒教育
出版單位 中國幼稚教育學會