篇名 学前教育对婚育女性劳动参与的影响
並列篇名 Influence of Preschool Education on Labor Participation of Married and Childbearing Women
作者 高雪姮(GAO Xueheng) 、闵维方(MIN Weifang)
中文摘要 当前我国劳动年龄人口规模不断下降,人口红利逐渐消失,如何增加劳 动力供给成为经济发展中亟须解决的问题之一。建立和完善学前教育体系,提高质优 价廉的学前教育的可获得性,有助于将婚育年龄女性从儿童看顾中解放出来,提高她 们的劳动参与率,从而增加劳动力供给。本文发现,适龄子女全部接受学前教育的女 性,其参与劳动的可能性是适龄子女没有全部接受学前教育的女性的1.32倍;对于参 与劳动的女性,子女全部接受学前教育可以使其每周的劳动时长增加4个小时。将样 本按照家庭收入和户口类型进行分类后,本文发现子女接受学前教育可以显著增加高 收入家庭中女性参与劳动的概率,并且延长农村户口女性的劳动时间。
英文摘要 As China’s working-age population declines and the demographic dividend disappears, how to increase the supply of the labor force has become an urgent problem in economic development. By establishing an efficient early childhood education system, mothers can be liberated from parenting duties with the assistance of high-quality and low-cost preschool education,promoting their labor participation rate, and thus increasing the labor supply. This paper has found that women whose school-age children all receive preschool education are 1. 32 times more likely to participate in labor than their counterparts, and their working hours will be increased by 4 hours per week. After classifying the samples according to family income and household registration type, this study has found that children’s preschool education can improve the probability of women’s participation in labor in high-income families and prolong the working hours of women in rural families.
頁次 109-124
關鍵詞 学前教育 婚育女性 劳动参与 劳动时长 CSSCI
卷期 20:2
日期 202204
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學
DOI 10. 12088/pkul671-9468. 202202008