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篇名 實施部落小學原住民少女性別平等教育方案成效之研究
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of Implementing Gender Equality Education Program for Indigenous Girls in Tribal Primary Schools
作者 羅廷瑛(Ting-Ying Lo)
中文摘要 本研究目的在於發展原住民少女的性別平等教育方案,以探究對提升性別平等意識及性教育生活技能的成效。採反省取向行動研究法,發展方案依據十二年國民基本教育相關性別平等教育議題的學習主題及素養,並將原文化融入KVP模式。以花蓮秀林鄉部落小學的12位四、五年級太魯閣族原少女進行混齡教學,接受共18節課、720分鐘的方案教學。研究者蒐集課室錄影、學習單、問卷及訪談等資料,使用描述性統計及質性分析。研究結果為原少女學習到理解傳統織女文化對形成性/別認同的影響、青春期的性/別平等知識以及愛己尊人才是真愛。原少女對方案教學有極高的滿意度,顯示喜歡的教學介入為多元教學活動、小組討論和分享、以自我提問為基礎,教師再給予正確的性知識以及練習溝通技巧。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to develop a gender equality education program for indigenous girls to explore the effectiveness of improving gender equality awareness and sex knowledge. Action study was applied in the study. Based on the learning thematic and literacy of gender equality education, the indigenous culture was integrated into the KVP model to design and implement this program. The mixed-age teaching was conducted with 12 fourth- and fifth-grade girls from the Truku tribe primary school in Xiulin Township, Hualien, who received a total of 18 lessons and 720 minutes of program teaching. The data which included teaching videos, study sheets, questionnaires, and interviews, used descriptive statistics and qualitative process to analyze. The result of the study was that the indigenous girls learned to understand the influence of the weaving women culture on the formation of sex/gender identity, the knowledge of sex/gender equality during adolescence, and the love for self and respect for others are true love. The girls were extremely satisfied with this teaching program, showing that their favorable teaching interventions were multiple teaching activities, opportunities for group discussion and sharing, and the teacher’s providing sex knowledge and practicing communication skills based on their questions raised.
頁次 001-026
關鍵詞 文化照顧理論 性別平等教育方案 性教育 原住民少女 織女文化 cultural care theory gender equality education program sex education indigenous girls weaving women culture
卷期 28
日期 202212
刊名 台灣性學學刊
出版單位 台灣性教育學會
DOI 10.53106/160857872022122801001