

篇名 韓國中小學校長公開招募制分析
並列篇名 The Analysis on Principal Open Recruitment System in Korea
作者 黃月純(Yueh-Chun Huang)
中文摘要 韓國中小學的校長是如何選任出來的?主要有兩種方式,一是經過年資累積為主的晉升任用制(승진임용제),依年功序與經歷逐步累積而成為校長,也因此南韓中小學校長年齡年資經常是全校最為資深者,也是OECD會員國中校長年齡平均最高者。二為此種傳統式的校長任用制度所產生的僵化,於2007年開始的校長公募制(교장공모제),即公開招募校長。開啟了即使無教師證或校長資格證書也能參與校長選任,在2018年經由此種管道而成為校長者,占南韓全體國公立小學初中高中校長11,636名中的16%,達到1,859名。本文即在介紹韓國傳統校長選任制度、公開招募校長制度,以及相關利弊觀點,提供中小學校長選任決策參考。
英文摘要 How school principals are recruited in Korea? There are mainly two ways. One is the promoted system for teachers based on their service years and the other is open recruitments. The former is that teachers are promoted as principals due to their teaching years. As a result of this, on average principals in Korea are older than their counterparts in any other OECD countries. Because of rigidity of this traditional way for recruiting principals, a innovative way as open recruitments began in place since 2007, and this led to the result that persons without teacher certificates have gotten the opportunity for becoming school principals for the first time in history in Korea. In 2018 1, 859 of 11,636 principals as about 16 % were from the open recruitment channel. The purpose of this article is to examine the traditional and innovative ways for recruitment of school principals in Korea, compare advantages and disadvantages of the above two systems, and provide suggestions as a reference for policy making concerned with principal recruitment.
頁次 111-125
關鍵詞 中小學校長公開招募制 韓國 principal open recruitment system Korea
卷期 308
日期 201912
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019120308008