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篇名 利用通用引子調查知本溼地魚類物種之環境DNA技術研究
並列篇名 Research on Environmental DNA Technology of Fish and Animals in Zhiben Wetland By Using Universal Primers
作者 高仰賢(Yang-Hsien Kao) 、呂佩倫(Pei-Luen Lu)
中文摘要 環境DNA是一種新穎的物種調查方式,不同於傳統調查方式需要經由肉眼確認物種,只需要從環境中採集樣本並藉由分子生物技術進行處理,即可完成物種調查。本實驗選用MiFish-U魚類通用引子進行實驗,將生物樣本(單一魚種和混合魚種樣本)及養魚水體樣本進行處理,再跑PCR進行序列擴增,進行Sanger定序後於NCBI上進行BLAST比對,即可得知此引子是否適用於環境DNA樣本。結果顯示,單一魚種樣本的魚肉或魚鰭DNA序列比對正確率高達97%到100%,混合魚種樣本和養魚水體樣本雖有定序出正確的物種,但由於Sanger定序法的限制,有的魚種會無法定序出來。在目前的實驗採樣過程並無發現珍稀水生動物的足跡,推測可能是過去人為活動與干擾頻繁造成數量較少所以難以觀測。後續實驗將進行環境DNA樣本的PCR以及次世代定序還有序列分析,以建構出知本溼地的魚類物種調查資料。
英文摘要 Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a novel method of species investigation. Unlike the traditional method of investigation, which needs to confirm the species with the naked eye, it only needs to collect samples from the environment and process them through molecular biotechnology to complete the species investigation. In this experiment, MiFish-U fish general primers were used for the experiment, biological samples (single fish species and mixed fish species samples) and fish culture water samples were processed, and then PCR was run for sequence amplification, Sanger sequencing was performed and BLAST was performed on NCBI By comparison, we can know whether this primer is suitable for environmental DNA samples. The results show that the correct rate of fish meat or fin DNA sequence alignment of a single fish species sample is as high as 97% to 100%. Although the mixed fish species samples and fish culture water samples have sequenced the correct species, due to the limitation of the Sanger sequencing method, some fish species will not be sequenced. In the current experimental sampling process, no traces of rare aquatic animals have been found. It is speculated that the number may be small due to frequent human activities and disturbances in the past, so it is difficult to observe. Subsequent experiments will carry out PCR, next-generation sequencing and sequence analysis of environmental DNA samples to construct fish species survey data in Zhiben Wetland.
頁次 093-103
關鍵詞 環境DNA 知本溼地 生物多樣性 水生生態系統 Environmental DNA (eDNA) Zhiben Wetland Biodiversity Aquatic Ecosystem
卷期 13:1
日期 202305
刊名 臺東大學綠色科學學刊
出版單位 國立臺東大學理工學院