

篇名 見賢就思齊?三種情緒反應的意涵及其對道德楷模教育的啟示
並列篇名 Emulating the Virtuous: Three Mediating Emotions and Their Implications for Moral Exemplar Education
作者 陳伊琳(Yi-Lin Chen)
中文摘要 角色楷模教育自古即盛行於東、西方教育理論與實務中。人們普遍認定,道德楷模會發揮潛移默化的影響力。鑑於既有學術論述尚未闡明從「見賢」到「思齊」究竟是如何發生的?甚至,「見賢」就一定會「思齊」嗎?這兩個提問對於道德楷模教育卻至關重要。是以,本文擬從見賢後,主體經常生發的三種中介情緒著手,分別探究Aristotle關切的好勝心、Zagzebski倡議的欽佩,以及嫉妒,闡明這三種情緒各自意涵及其與思齊心的關係。研究發現,見賢後感到痛苦的好勝心或愉悅的欽佩感,皆有助於激發思齊心,驅動道德主體往道德楷模的高度提升。差別在於:好勝心乃針對自己夢寐以求,但尚未可得之善的企求,直接仿效賢者乃求善之方;欽佩感令道德主體想像著「像他一樣」的可能性,這有助於擴大所欲追求之善的範圍;思齊是指向對方所卓越體現的價值或理想看齊,但其具體落實的方式有相當的轉化空間。惡意的嫉妒將造成主體想將賢者往下拉,使其喪失善。這對於道德楷模教育的重大啟示包含:提醒預防嫉妒的生發、慎選近端與遠端道德楷模,透過有感刻畫,激發好勝心或欽佩感,繼而促動思齊心。
英文摘要 Role model education has a long tradition both in Western and Eastern educational theory and practice. Moral exemplars are widely believed to have intangible influences on the people around them. However, whether the observation of exemplars necessarily results in emulation is unclear, and if it does, the relevant mechanism is unknown. However, these two questions are fundamental to education involving moral exemplars. This study investigated the effects of three mediating emotions: emulation, admiration, and envy. In general, both painful emulation and pleasant admiration cause a moral agent to emulate a moral exemplar. Emulation is striving for a desired beneficial outcome, and emulating an exemplar is a viable method of pursuing this outcome. Admiration, however, causes a moral agent to consider the possibility of becoming similar to the admired individual, broadening the scope of the pursued beneficial outcome. Admiration leads the moral agent to respect the values or ideals embodied by the moral exemplar, but the manner in which the agent emulates the exemplar is multifaceted Spiteful envy motivates the moral agent to deprive the exemplar of the examplar’s goodness. This study demonstrated the importance of preventing envy, properly selecting moral exemplars (both close or distant, physically or psychologically), and stimulating emulation and admiration by characterizing moral exemplars in an affective manner to motivate students to emulate moral exemplars.
頁次 037-073
關鍵詞 好勝心 提升感 欽佩感 嫉妒 道德楷模 admiration elevation emulation envy moral exemplar TSSCI
卷期 57
日期 202112
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272021120057002