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篇名 南華大學生命教育品牌的構建與成效
並列篇名 The Building and Effects of the Nanhua University Life Education Brand
作者 林聰明(Tsong-Ming Lin)
中文摘要 面對少子化的海嘯,南華大學採取品牌戰,強化辦學的優質化、特色化與差異化,構建全國唯一以「生命教育」為品牌的卓越大學。2013年起,南華大學秉持「以生命力帶動生命力」理念,採取「特色化、差異化、整合化」策略,建立以生命教育為引導的「身心靈平衡」教育體系與含括「組織制度、課程教學、教師增能、學生成長、推廣產學、評量改善」六面向的推動機制。八年來,南華大學所展現的各項績效已深獲教育部、國內各界及國際高度肯定,例如2015-2020年連續獲選設立國家級「教育部生命教育中心」、2015-2019年連續榮獲教育部「生命教育特色學校」。2020年,南華大學建置亞洲生命教育聯盟,期能於2023年成為亞洲區生命教育典範大學,於2030年成為國際級生命教育典範大學。
英文摘要 Faced with the impact of low fertility rates in Taiwan, Nanhua University has adopted a strategy to strive to attain academic excellence, strengthen our defining characteristics, and differentiate our brand from other institutions, so as to build Taiwan’s only university centered on “Life Education” in all aspects of our strategic goals. Since 2013, adhering to the concept of “Driving Vitality with Vitality”, we have implemented a strategy that focuses on “Characteristics, Differentiation and Integration” to establish a “balanced body-mind-spirit” education system guided by life education. Furthermore, a six-faceted mechanism that includes “systemic organization, curriculum instruction, teacher empowerment, student development, promotion of industry-academia collaboration, and evaluation improvement” has also been initiated. From 2015 to 2020, we have been successively selected to set up the national-level “Life Education Center” by the Ministry of Education”, and from 2015 to 2019, we were successively awarded the “Life Education School with Distinction” award by the Ministry of Education. Over the past eight years, Nanhua University’s overall performance and teacher-student performance have been promoted in schools, local communities and internationally, and have been highly recognized by the Ministry of Education and various institutions at home and abroad. The Asian Life Education Alliance will be established in 2020. We strive to become a model university for life education in Asia in 2023, and an international model university in life education in 2030.
頁次 004-017
關鍵詞 生命教育 南華大學 教育品牌 life education Nanhua University education brand
卷期 319
日期 202011
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020110319001