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篇名 運動領域中的性別差異、社會網絡與壓力來源分析:以全國中正盃籃球賽裁判為例
並列篇名 Gender Difference in Specialized Sport Competition: An Analysis on Stress Origin and Social Network of Basketball Referees in Chung-Cheng Cup Basketball Competition
作者 李威霆(Wai-Ting Lee) 、賴志逢(Chih-Fong Lai)
中文摘要 本文以全國中正盃籃球賽裁判為研究對象,探討專業運動領域中的性別差異。研究嘗試以量化與質性研究方法,結合問卷調查、社會網絡分析以及深度訪談資料交互比對,探討籃球裁判的性別差異因素與職業壓力之間的關連,並由個人認知與專業技能的角度,比較不同性別、級別與社會網絡因素對於裁判的心理素質與壓力感知之影響。研究主要發現:一、性別對於自我認知和專業表現並無顯著影響,但對於心理素質的穩定程度(包括情境壓力與控制能力、應變能力、抗壓力及專注力)則有顯著影響。二、女性裁判的壓力主要取決於級別、年資和社會網絡位置,而非性別。雖然女性先天體能確實有別於男性,但可透過後天訓練彌補不足。三、女性裁判的社會結網能力和資格晉升機會較男性低,主要是基於婚姻與家庭因素的考量。四、女性裁判發生誤判時,可能獲得比男性裁判更大的包容空間。這些發現應有助於釐清女性裁判的壓力來源與職涯發展機會,更精緻掌握當前運動領域中的性別因素。
英文摘要 This article focused on the influence of gender factors in specialized sport fields, illustrated by the National Chung-Cheng Cup Basketball Competition (NCCCB) in 2014. It examined the origins of stress perceived by referees of different sex, in relation to their personal characteristics, professional skills and social network positions. Based on multiple methods, it integrated different sort of data through questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and social network analysis, trying to carry out further discussion on the gender differentiation in basketball sport.    The main findings of this study are as follows:    (1) the influence of gender factor on referees’ self-perception and performance is insignificant, while the difference of gender has a significant impact on the situational stress, self-adaptability, concentration and resistance to stress.    (2) The women referees’ stress depend on their grade, seniority and social network, rather than on their physical disadvantages.    (3) Women referees’ networking capacity and preferment are more constrained because of their traditional sex role.    (4) People tend to accommodate the women referees in misjudging a foul or a violation.
頁次 051-074
關鍵詞 性別差異 壓力來源 社會網絡 中正盃 籃球裁判 Gender difference Social network Pressure origin National Chung-Cheng Cup Basketball referee
卷期 10:1
日期 202008
刊名 休閒研究
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心