

篇名 德國終身學習國家資歷架構之建置及其對我國的啟示——學士階段的探析
並列篇名 Germany’s National Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning at the Undergraduate Level: Lessons for Taiwan
作者 薛欣怡(Hsin-Yi Hsueh)
中文摘要 科技發展使職場對人才的要求不斷提升,使得終身學習越形重要,且傳統高等教育所培育的學術型人才與職業教育所培育的技術型人才,已無法獨立面對千變萬化的數位化職場,因此德國逐漸朝向融通學習學歷與職業資歷發展,體制層面主要透過國家資歷架構達成制度上的保障。國家資歷架構亦被視為促進終身學習及確保資歷與能力統合的重要機制之一。在歐盟框架下,德國建置了終身學習資歷架構,融通學習學歷與職業資歷間的管道,更增強了終身教育的發展。鑒於我國資歷架構尚屬起步階段,本研究採文件分析法,探究德國建構國家資歷架構的脈絡、機制與內涵,更依我國目前需求,聚焦於高等教育學士階段之探討,透過實例了解其內涵與具體作法,希望為德國終身學習資歷架構於學士階段的實踐形成一個有系統的論述,提供我國高等教育資歷架構建構之參考。
英文摘要 Technological development has triggered changes in the demand for talents in the workplace globally, making lifelong learning more relevant. The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) aims to ensure that talents trained at higher education institutions as well as at vocational institutions meet the needs of the ever-changing digital workplace. The NQF serves as one of the most important mechanisms for promoting lifelong learning and ensuring the proper adjustments of qualifications and competencies of the workforce. Within the European Union´s framework, Germany has established its own framework (Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen für lebenslanges Lernen, DQR) linking learning qualifications with vocational qualifications and enhancing the development of lifelong education. In view of the fact that the QF in Germany is still in its infancy, this study adopts a documentary analysis approach to explore the context, mechanisms, and connotations of the national German framework. The main purpose of this study is to provide a systematic account of the practices of the German Lifelong Learning Qualifications Framework at the undergraduate level. In the light of the current needs of skilled labor in Taiwan, the study focuses on the bachelor level of higher education and provides a reference for the establishment of qualifications framework in Taiwan.
頁次 035-078
關鍵詞 高等教育 終身學習 國家資歷架構 德國 歐盟資歷架構 higher education lifelong learning National Qualifications Framework Germany European Union Qualifications Framework
卷期 91
日期 202111
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會
DOI 10.53106/160957582021110091002