

篇名 權力下放是否將影響教育之不公平性?有關《每位學生成功法案》的探討(下)
並列篇名 Will Decentralization Affect Educational Inequity? The Every Student Succeeds Act, Vol. 2
作者 何佳瑞(Lenegan, Katia)
中文摘要 目的:2015年12月,歐巴馬總統簽署了《每位學生成功法案》,這個法案姍姍來遲,它是有關小學和中學教育再授權的法案。值得注意的是,這個新的聯邦立法明顯反轉了十幾年來美國聯邦對於緊密結合政府和美國教育系統的努力。在不廢除考試制度的要求下,這項立法大幅度地縮減了聯邦政府在形構教育政策的角色,將權力交回給州政府,讓它們自己去設計最符合自己的教育系統。該法案嚴格地限制了聯邦政府在教育上的執行權,它甚至有可能去除了聯邦政府對學校的監督與問責權,同時提出了有關政策變化的公平性意涵問題。研究方法:使用公共文獻,包括法案、聯邦政府官員的演講、政策組織的分析報告以及新聞論述等,研究者追溯整個演變的過程,從聯邦政府努力將自身與之密切結合的一種教育系統,到一個容許有更大彈性的州政府和區域性教育系統,以此來評估權力下放之治理方式的公平性影響。研究發現:《每位學生成功法案》的某些法條有助於減少不公平性,並且改善所學人的學習成果,然而,嚴格執行法律保護措施將是有必要的,以確保現存的不公平現象不會加劇。
英文摘要 Purpose: In December 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act, which was a long overdue reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. What is remarkable about this new federal legislation is that it explicitly reverses the decadeslong federal effort to more tightly couple the U.S. educational system. While not removing testing requirements, the legislation dramatically reduces the federal role in shaping education policy, returning signifi cant power to the states to design educational systems as they best see fi t. The law places sharp limits on the use of federal executive power over education and has the potential to remove the federal government from oversight and accountability over schools, raising questions about the equity implications of this policy change. Research Method: Utilizing public documents, including legislation, speeches by federal officials, analyses by policy organizations, and news accounts, the authors trace the evolution of federal efforts from a more tightly coupled educational system to one with greater state and local fl exibility in order to estimate the equity impact of efforts to decentralize governance. Findings: While certain provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act may reduce inequity and improve educational outcomes for all students, rigorous enforcement of the law’s protections will be necessary in order to ensure existing inequities are not exacerbated.
頁次 115-129
關鍵詞 ESSA 聯邦教育政策 分權 治理 公平性 federal education policy decentralization governance equity
卷期 303
日期 201907
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019070303009