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篇名 以資訊科技融入eduScrum教學模式之課程設計及實施
並列篇名 Curriculum Design and Implementation of Integrating Information Technology into eduScrum Teaching Method
作者 劉冠辰(Guan-Chen Liu) 、柯志祥(Chih-Hsiang Ko)
中文摘要 在蓬勃發展的資訊科技及強調以學生為中心的環境下,教師於課程設計過程中也逐漸著重如何讓學生在團隊合作下相互溝通,並在互動過程中藉由資訊科技的融入來達到教師設立的學習目標,進而符合十二年國民教育著重以人為本的終身學習者的精神。因此,研究者將符合上述願景的eduScrum教學模式,融入專案管理工具Trello與Google表單等資訊科技工具,在為期四週的時間,由原先著重合作教學法的立體造型課程中探討導入eduScrum教學模式後所帶來的效益。本研究針對55位修習立體造型課程的大專校院學生進行分組,經由問卷分析後,最終獲得本研究結果為:一、資訊科技融入eduScrum教學模式提升合作效率與師生連結;二、資訊科技融入eduScrum教學模式可提升低分組學生小組合作的趣味性。另外,於文末針對將來欲運用eduScrum教學模式的設計領域教師提出實施建議,讓師生得以借助資訊科技的融入,結合eduScrum教學模式,靈活運用於合作教學法的教學現場。
英文摘要 Being in the student-centered and technological environment, teachers have to focus on how to enable students to communicate with each other by integrating information technology during teaching-learning process. With the spirit of lifelong learners from 12-years Basic Education, researchers integrate the project management tools such as Trello and Google forms into eduScrum teaching method and explore the benefits. Researchers make 55 undergraduate students who are taking three-dimensional contouring course into 9 groups. After analyzing, the results of this study are as follows: (1) Integrated information technology into the eduScrum teaching method can improve the efficiency of the cooperation and enhance students’ relationship with teachers. (2) eduScrum teaching method can make the lower grade group’s cooperative learning more interesting. By combining information technology with eduScrum teaching method, this will allow students and teachers implement cooperative learning teaching method more flexible.
頁次 023-053
關鍵詞 eduScrum教學模式 合作教學法 資訊科技融入教學 eduScrum teaching method cooperative learning information technology integrated education TSSCI
卷期 12:1
日期 202001
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2020011201002