

篇名 芬蘭現象為本學習探究的前理解:2014課綱的橫向能力與多學科學習模組
並列篇名 Before Entering the Finnish Phenomenon-based Learning: Understanding of the Transversal Competences and Multidisciplinary Learning Modules
作者 陳玟樺(Wen-Hua Chen)
中文摘要 有鑑於世界各國對芬蘭當前實施的現象為本學習作法多有關注,本文旨在先回到對實施此一取徑源頭的探索,即2014新課綱所欲達致的總目標「七大橫向能力」內涵,以及建議以「多學科學習模組」為手段的綜合基礎教育運作文化之理解,期能藉此提供本土即將上路的108課綱實施者慎思其整體行動背後究竟「為何而做」一些提醒與啟示。
英文摘要 Given that most people are currently focusing on the possible practice of Finnish phenomenon-based learning, this paper aims to prioritize the reasons and sources for its implementation-understanding transversal competence, multidisciplinary learning modules, and the operational culture of comprehensive basic education. For our Directions Governing for the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula that will be implemented in August this year, this article may remind and encourage all actors to consider and grasp the ultimate goal behind their actions.
頁次 101-114
關鍵詞 多學科學習模組 芬蘭國家基礎教育核心課程 現象為本學習 橫向能力 multidisciplinary learning modules National Core Curriculum for Basic Education phenomenon-based learning transversal competences
卷期 303
日期 201907
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019070303008