

篇名 從幾堂好課,談素養導向自然科學教科書編寫設計
並列篇名 The Design and Writing of Competency Based Natural Science Textbooks
作者 黃茂在(Mao-Tsai Huang) 、吳敏而(Rosalind J. Wu)
中文摘要 本文以教科書做為支援教師實踐素養導向教學,以及做為協助學生自學之文本工具概念,探討教科書編寫設計四個挑戰方向:平衡科學素養面向、「明示」科學學習表現、自由探索引發好奇與提問、學習進程規劃。並依此提出「幾堂好課」協助教師搭「鷹架」營造學生經歷科學家的思維與行動歷程:案例一:自主探索─以情境設計引發學生好奇、想像與提問;案例二:鷹架式探索─以POE模式引導學生模仿/經歷科學家探究思考模式;案例三:結構式探究─「明示」科學思考(推理、論證);案例四:引導式探究─練習科學家實驗設計、認識因果關係。結語討論四個思考點:從活動、單元主題及課程,教科書需有系統地規劃,提出素養導向課程實踐的路徑;教科書做為教學一種資源,教師彈性地掌握學習進程與教、學、評的結合;反思解構教科書的結構與應用之客可能;建立長期研發教科書的機制。
英文摘要 This paper considers how to design and write competency-based natural science textbooks that could provide teachers with inquiry instruction materials, and analyzes how textbook writing can be improved in terms of 4 challenges: balancing science literacy dimensions, clear descriptions of science conduct, posing questions and conceptualizations, considerations of learning progression. Examples are given of how the textbook could be written to lead students through their inquiry, and to help teachers develop scaffolds for the acquisition of science literacy using reasoning processes scientists employ in conducting research. Example 1 uses free exploration to stimulate curiosity, imagination, and questioning. Example 2 uses scaffolded exploration to show how scientists think using the POE process. Example 3 uses structured inquiry to demonstrate scientifi c reasoning and argumentation. Example 4 uses guided inquiry to enable practicing experimental design as a scientist, and reading for cause-effect. The 4 examples demonstrate how learning progression in the textbook needs to support inquiry skills development. The paper ends with 4 discussion points: a systematic pathway leading from curriculum to classroom; a consideration of learning progression that combines teaching, learning and assessment in a flexible way; restructuring the function and format of the textbook; the need for a mechanism to conduct long term research and development for textbooks.
頁次 081-100
關鍵詞 自然科學領域教科書 素養導向教學 探究式教學 學習進程 science textbook literacy-oriented teaching inquiry-based teaching learning progression
卷期 303
日期 201907
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019070303007