

篇名 教育即人的生成——作为卢梭生物学神学论纲的《爱弥儿》
並列篇名 Education is the Generative Process of Man: Emile as Rousseau’s Outline about Biology and Theology
作者 胡君进(HU Jun-jin)
中文摘要 《爱弥儿》作为一部关于人和创造人的教育著作,充斥着浓厚的自然神学色彩。教育的本义是指人的生成,是人在受教育过程中依循上帝造人意志的充分展开。围绕上帝的造人意志,卢梭在《爱弥儿》中构建了两条相互缠绕的论述路线:一是以生物形态学的方法描摹人的长大,二是以自然神意论的方式设计人的原型。前者充满一种有机论色彩,凸显教育中人的生长和涌现;后者体现一种目的论特征,规定教育中人的出生和样态。这两条相互缠绕的论述路线,构成了整个爱弥儿自然教育方案的神学底色。《爱弥儿》不是一本纯粹的教育小说,而是卢梭有意筹划的生物学神学论纲,是卢梭仿制上帝如何造人的一部新《圣经》。
英文摘要 Emile as an educational theory about man and the creation of man, is full of strong natural theological color. The original meaning of education refers to the generative process of man, which is the full development of man in the educational process according to God’s will to create man. Around God’s will to create man, Rousseau constructed two intertwined discussion lines in Emile. One is to describe man’s growth by means of biological morphology, and the other is to design man’s prototype by means of natural theology. The former is full of organic color, highlighting the growth and emergence of man in education; the latter embodies a teleological feature and stipulates the birth and form of man in education. These two intertwined discussion lines constitute the theological background of the whole natural education program in Emile. Emile is not a pure educational novel, but is a biological and theological outline deliberately planned by Rousseau, and is a new Bible written by Rousseau imitating how God created man.
頁次 005-015
關鍵詞 《爱弥儿》 自然教育 人的生成 生物形态学 自然神意论 Emile natural education the generative process of man biological morphology natural theology
卷期 20:2
日期 202304
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2232.2023.02.001