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篇名 學校實施雙語教學的實務策略思維:跨國個案學校實務經驗的啟示
並列篇名 Deliberative Curriculum Planning for Implementing Bilingual Teaching in Schools: Implications from Practical Experience of Cross-National Case Schools
作者 甄曉蘭(Hsiao-Lan Sharon Chen) 、葉珍玲(Chen-Lin Yeh)
中文摘要 在2030雙語教育政策下,各級學校紛紛開始推動雙語教學,然在實施過程中學校卻面對諸多實務挑戰,亟需協助各級學校探討並處理雙語課程與教學的整體規劃與運作策略問題。本文特別根據文獻回顧及跨國移地研究的案例分析,呈現雙語課程規劃與教學實施的學理基礎與實務策略,提供各級學校實施雙語教學之參考。本文首先分析雙語教學的實施模式與實務挑戰;接著探討香港、中國、德國、日本個案學校之運作經驗,說明不同脈絡下的雙語課程規劃、教材選用,教學模式與方法應用策略;最後,提出學校推動雙語教學實務策略思維之建議。
英文摘要 Under the 2030 Bilingual Education Policy, many schools have started to implement bilingual education. However, in the implementing process, schools are facing serious practical challenges. In order to find applicable alternatives for the implementation of bilingual teaching in Taiwan, this study examines the theoretical foundations and practical examples of bilingual curriculum planning and pedagogical practices based on literature review and a cross-national study of case schools in Hong Kong, China, Germany and Japan. After addressing bilingual teaching models in practice, this article analyzes how the cross-national case schools construct curriculum frameworks, select teaching materials, and apply bilingual teaching models and pedagogical strategies. Then, this article synthesizes implications and provides suggestions for strategic planning and implementation of bilingual teaching in Taiwan.
頁次 201-230
關鍵詞 跨國個案分析 雙語教育 雙語教學模式 雙語課程規劃 Cross-National Case Study Bilingual Education Bilingual Teaching Model Bilingual Curriculum Planning TSSCI
卷期 27:2
日期 202404
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202404_27(2).0007