篇名 尋找差異化的行銷契機--嘉義地區教育類碩士在職專班的形象定位
並列篇名 Seeking a Differentiated Marketing Niche: Continuing Education M. A. Programs for Teachers in Chiayi Area
作者 何宣甫(Ho, Hsuan-fu) 、邱彥禎(Ciou, Yan-jhen)
中文摘要 在職進修是個人求發展以及國家精進人力資本的重要方法。近年來在政府積極推廣下,台灣在職進修的風氣也越來越興盛,其市場規模更急速的從1999 年的6,044 人成長到2007 年56,717 人,而各大學為了搶食這塊大餅,更一窩蜂的開設各種進修課程,卻也因此造成進修市場的飽和並引起學校間激烈的競爭。本研究欲釐清嘉義地區教師選擇在職進修學校時主要的考量因素,分析三個相互競爭的教育類碩士在職專班在競爭市場中的相對優劣勢,並劃出市場定位知覺圖以提供這些學校在發展特色以及制定招生策略時的參考。本研究針對1000 位嘉義縣市的國中小教師進行問卷調查,計回收問卷846 份,回收率達84.6%。從層級分析的結果顯示在職進修教師在報考教育類碩士在職專班研究所時主要考慮因素為課程規劃、師資陣容、以及修畢業規定。從對應分析的知覺圖中更進一步發現學校A 在修畢業規定上占優勢、學校B 則在名聲和課程上獲得潛在顧客的認同、而學校C 以學費低廉和交通便利取勝。由於各區隔市場教師對學校定位的差異未達統計顯著水準,因此建議各校可採用無差異行銷模式發展招生策略。
英文摘要 Adult continuing education is both a means of personal advancement and an important way for the government to invest in human capital. Due to active encouragement by the government, continuing education in Taiwan has begun to flourish in recent years, with enrollment numbers increasing from 6,044 to 56,717 between 1999 and 2007. Eager to get a piece of the pie, universities around the island have been going all out to open a wide variety of related courses, giving rise to market saturation and increasingly intense competition between schools. In such a saturated market the use of diversified development allows programs to survive and eliminates cutthroat competition.This research utilized such target marketing strategies as segmentation, targeting, and positioning to determine the relative strengths and weaknesses of three continuing education programs designed for teachers in the Chiayi area. One thousand questionnaires were sent to elementary and middle school teachers in the Chiayi area, 846 of which were returned.The results revealed that course curriculum, faculty, and graduation requirements are the most important factors for teachers deciding which program they would like to apply for.
Yet, no significant differentiation was found between school positioning and the market segmentation obtained by cluster analysis, indicating that schools should utilize a non-differentiated marketing strategy when selecting their target market. Finally, a perceptual map of the correspondence analysis indicated that University A has an advantage
in the area of graduation requirements, University B comes out ahead in the areas of courses and reputation, and University C is favored for its lower tuition rates and convenient locations.
頁次 001-026
關鍵詞 學校行銷 目標行銷 市場區隔 市場定位 碩士在職專班 School marketing Target marketing Market Segmentation Market positioning Teacher continuing education
卷期 24
日期 201003
刊名 國民教育研究學報
出版單位 國立嘉義大學國民教育研究所