

篇名 远离过时的未来——简述“因果层次分析法”及其对未来学校的启示
並列篇名 Avoiding the Used Future: An Introduction to Causal Layered Analysis and Its Implication for Future School
作者 陈红燕(CHEN Hong-yan) 、叶子(YE Zi)
中文摘要 未来学校的研究与构建需要建立在未来学的研究方法基础之上。由联合国教科文组织未来学教席教授苏哈尔.伊纳亚图拉(Sohail Inayatullah)提出的因果层次分析法(CLA),被誉为二十世纪九十年代以来最具创造性的未来学研究方法之一。该方法摒弃了对确定性未来预测性的执着,旨在为构建更多的替代性未来创造空间与条件。该方法包括表象、系统结构、世界观和隐喻四层次,解构、谱系、距离感、替代性解释、重组知识五大工具箱,将未来研究本身视为学习之旅,强调文化意义、主体在未来构建当中的重要性。深入理解因果层次分析法产生的理论背景、方法论取向和具体步骤,将有助于我们在未来学校构建过程中锚定合理的远景,避免过时的未来,直面教育利益相关者间的冲突与创设合作,共建未来教育的可能。
英文摘要 To conceive ideal future education and future schools, we need scientific research method based on futurology. The Causal Layered Analysis (CLA), which has been developed by UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies Sohail Inayatullah, is one of the most extraordinary methods in Futurology since the 1990s’. CLA does not aim to predict the future but seeks to create transformative spaces for the creation of alternative futures. CLA includes four levels, namely the litany, social causes, discourse/ worldview and myth/ metaphor. The four levels can be conduced under the direction of five toolbox, namely, deconstruction, genealogy, distance, alternative pasts and futures, and reordering knowledge. To explore the development context of this method as well as its methodology and procedures can contribute greatly to our constructing of future education and schools, in the sense of anchoring on preferred future, a- voiding used future and confronting the conflicts among the stakeholders, so that find a way to construct co-future education.
頁次 040-049
關鍵詞 因果层次分析法 未来意象 替代性未来 未来学校 Causal Layered Analysis images of future alternative futures future schools
卷期 19:2
日期 202204
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2232.2022.02.005