

篇名 從內容導向到素養導向教材設計:生活課程教科書編者的理解
並列篇名 From Content-based to Competencebased Textbook Design: The Understanding of Life Curriculum Textbook Editors
作者 周淑卿(Shu-Ching Chou) 、丁思與(Szu-Yu Ting)
中文摘要 十二年國教課程綱要將在108學年度開始逐年實施。新課綱以核心素養做為基礎教育課程連貫與統整的主軸,指引各領域課程與教學的發展。由於教科書對課堂教學的影響甚大,教科書的設計能否依循素養導向的精神,備受關注。為深入了解教科書編者對素養導向教材設計的理解,研究者訪問某出版社生活課程教科書的編者,透過訪談結果,發現編者的教材設計思維有以下轉向:一、從知識的教導到主動學習的引發;二、從內容與結果的呈現導向學習歷程的設計;三、從預設內容的串聯到「以終為始」的布局。當教科書編者對素養導向的理念有更多理解,教材也將因而有革新的契機。
英文摘要 The 12-year basic education curriculum will be implemented in 2019 academic year. The new curriculum guidelines take the key competencies as the backbone of the coherence and integration of basic education courses, and thereby guide the development of curriculum and teaching in various fi elds. Because textbooks have a great infl uence on classroom teaching, it is highly concerned whether the textbooks can follow the idea of competence-based instruction. In order to explore the editor’s conceptions for textbook design, the researchers interviewed the four editors of life curriculum textbook. Through interviews, it was found that the editor’s conceptions have the following main changes: 1. from the instruction of knowledge to the initiation of active learning; 2. from the presentation of content and results to the design of the learning process; 3. from the concatenation of content to the layout of “beginning with the end in mind”. When textbook editors have a better understanding of competence-based teaching, the textbooks will also have an opportunity for innovation.
頁次 025-039
關鍵詞 內容導向教科書 素養導向教學 教科書設計 textbook design content-based textbook competence-based instruction
卷期 303
日期 201907
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019070303003