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篇名 基于过程数据及分析的在线学习路径研究:规律与规划
並列篇名 Survey on Online Learning Paths from Educational Data Patterns and Planning
作者 崔萌(CUI Meng) 、穆肃(MU Su) 、黄晓地(HUANG Xiaodi)
中文摘要 学习路径能直观地反映学习者真实的学习过程,对优化学习、提供学习帮助、调整教学策略等具有重要意义。本研究从中英文核心文献库选取近五年“基于数据的学习路径分析”中文文献324篇、英文文献255篇,定量和定性分析学习路径的概念界定和核心研究内容,最后总结出研究的发展趋势和未来展望。本研究发现:1)学习路径为单维或多维学习信息单元的组织序列,学习路径节点信息可以分为学习内容和学习行为两大类;2)核心研究内容有学习路径规划和学习路径发现。学习路径规划是利用数据规划未来路径,包括基于知识特征、学习者特征和综合情境特征生成最优学习路径,重在智能适应;学习路径发现研究关注发现已有学习路径数据的规律,包括普遍学习路径发现和最优学习路径发现,突出群体智能;3)研究发展趋势有:学习路径由静态预设转变到动态生成,学习路径分析数据参数由单一维度转向多维度整合,实现学习路径的技术方法趋向人工和机器结合;4)未来展望主要有:多维信息特征映射的教育知识图谱重构,面向学习过程综合情境感知的个性化学习路径生成,基于学习行为且体现群体智能的学习路径发现,多维度数据支持的在线学习路径可视化。
英文摘要 The visual presentation of a learning path can reveal the learners’ learning process. It is of great significance to optimize the learning process and provide learning assistance and adjust teaching strategies for teachers and students. In this study, 324 Chinese papers and 255 English papers with high relevance to data-based learning path in recent five years are selected from the core Chinese and English literature databases. This study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis to analyze the concept definition, core content, development trend, and prospects of the “learning path.” The findings are as follows: 1) Learning path refers to the model of the organizational sequence of one-dimensional or multi-dimensional learning information units. There are two kinds of learning path node information: learning content and learning behavior. 2) The core contents of the research on the learning path are learning path generation and learning path discovery. Learning path generation focuses on the optimal planning of future leaning path by using existing leaning data, including optimal learning path generation based on knowledge features, learner features, and comprehensive situational characteristics, emphasizing intelligent adaptation. Learning path discovery focuses on the pattern discovery of existing learning path, including universal learning path discovery and optimal learning path discovery, highlighting group intelligence. 3) There are three research trends. Learning paths change from static presupposition to dynamic generation. The data for learning path analysis changes from a single dimension to multi-dimension. The technology and method of learning path application tend to combine human and machine reasonably. 4) There are four research hotspots. The reconstruction of educational knowledge map based on multi-dimensional information feature; Learning process-oriented personalized learning path generation considering the information about comprehensive situation characteristics; Group intelligence-oriented learning path discovery based on learning behavior; Online learning path visualization supported by multi-dimensional data. Through a systematic literature review, this study aims to sort out the key contents of the learning path and to clarify the relationship between them, to provide support for the follow-up research.
頁次 058-070
關鍵詞 在线学习 学习过程 学习路径 研究现状 online learning learning process learning path review CSSCI
卷期 26:3
日期 202006
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10. 13966/j. cnki. kfjyyj. 2020. 03. 007