

篇名 聽覺障礙中學生運用平板學習地理閱讀之行動研究
並列篇名 Action Research on Using Tablet PCs in Geography Reading Class for Secondary School Students with Hearing Impairments
作者 林家楠(Chia-Nan Lin) 、洪儷瑜(Li-Yu Hung)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解聽障學生運用平板學習地理閱讀的教學歷程、可能遇到的問題與解決方案。研究者在學校開設了地理閱讀班,招募了10位聽障學生,歷經了一學年33堂的教學行動方案,透過不斷地省思、修正,歸納出兩個行動階段。行動前期,研究者與行政人員對平板關心的面向不同,遇到了設備管理與借用的問題。課程進行之初,研究者錯估學生操作平板的能力,且不熟悉平板與教學的整合,加上學生主要溝通方式的差異,以致於行動前期研究者疲於解決學生的操作問題。此外,學生可能因為不理解文章內容而無法以平板學習。看到學生使用平板的挫折、訊息接收問題以及教學進度落後時,研究者選擇在課堂減少使用平板,改為讓學生回家獨立完成平板作業,學生卻開始拒絕使用平板。反思與調整教學設計後,在行動後期,研究者提供學習鷹架,銜接軟體操作至學習表現任務,並考量學生特質與能力,整合平板與科技設備,提供學生多元視覺線索,讓學生可以利用平板做為溝通輔具,從迷思概念重新學習,研究者看到平板改善了課堂樣貌,學生也接受使用平板學習。綜合行動歷程的省思與對策,漸進引導平板融入課堂、教師需整合科技教學學科知識、運用科技提供聽障學生適切的溝通輔助是運用平板於地理閱讀課的可行方式。最後,提出本研究之限制與建議,提供運用平板於聽障學生教學之參考。
英文摘要 Purpose: This study considered the application of content reading strategies combined with tablet PCs to a geography reading class for secondary school students with hearing impairments to reduce the students’ learning difficulties. An action research design was utilized to explore the possible barriers to encounter, the learning difficulties to emerge in the class of students with hearing impairments, and the successful coping strategies for this innovative learning condition. Methods: The geography reading class was designed and taught by the first author on the basis of the student needs and geography learning in middle schools. Ten students in grade 8–12 of a special school for students with hearing impairment were selected. Their levels of hearing impairment ranged from mild to severe, and their major communication mode varied from sign language to oral language and total communication with oral and sign language. The instruction consisted of thirty-three sessions within an academic year. Two researchers worked with four teachers in the school for validating the information of this study. Results/ Findings: Two stages were concluded in this study. In the early stage of the action, different concerns about using tablets were expressed between the administrative staff and researcher, which resulted in the problems of equipment management and checkout. At the beginning of the reading course, the researcher overestimated the student competences of using a tablet. Moreover, difficulties and complexities in integrating the tablets into geography reading for students with different levels of hearing impairment and communication modes emerged. Therefore, the researcher was exhausted by helping students with tablet operation problems during the class. Moreover, students were potentially unable to learn with a tablet because they could not comprehend the geography texts. When the instruction was far behind schedule, students were frustrated with using tablets, and reading comprehension was lacking, the researcher decided to reduce the use of tablets in class and change the using tablets for homework (which students were requested to do at home). However, students refused to use the tablets for the homework. Through reflections and adjustments of the researcher, the integration of pedagogical content knowledge and technological knowledge was tried in the second stage of the action. Considering student characteristics and competences, multiple visual cues were provided, so that students could use tablets as communication aids to discover misconceptions and to relearn. Due to an improved learning condition with more visual presentation when using tablets, students accepted the tablets and showed more competence and interest in using tablets for geographic reading. Conclusions/ Implications: To use tablets in geography reading for secondary students with hearing impairments, teachers must gradually introduce the use of tablets and integrate them into learning reading strategies step by step. Crucial factors include the integration of technology knowledge, pedagogy knowledge, and content knowledge. The teacher must provide appropriate communication assistance with visual cue during the use of tablet. Additional suggestions and limitations are expressed based on the current findings.
頁次 087-116
關鍵詞 平板 地理科 閱讀理解策略 聽覺障礙學生 geography reading comprehension strategies secondary students with hearing impairment tablet PC TSSCI
卷期 45:3
日期 202011
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
DOI 10.6172/BSE.202011_45(3).0004