

篇名 元宇宙:下一代学习空间
並列篇名 Metaverse: Learning Space for the Next Generation
作者 薛耀锋(XUE Yao-feng) 、朱芳清(ZHU Fang-qing) 、王坤(WANG Kun)
中文摘要 元宇宙作为一种整合了多种新技术的互联网社会新形态,正处在蓬勃发展阶段,其与教育的结合也为未来教育指明了新方向。本文对元宇宙的概念进行了概述,并提供了元宇宙的技术框架,分为用户感知层、智能服务层与基础设施层三大部分,且对每层的关键技术进行了介绍,同时对元宇宙的教育应用场景进行了分析,包括创设沉浸式学习情境、构建虚拟协作学习空间以及优化在线学习体验。最后对元宇宙与教育结合的未来发展进行了展望,从技术与教育两个角度为其指明了发展方向,并对数字孪生应用于学习者数字化模拟和分析的可行性进行了畅想。
英文摘要 As a new form of Internet Society integrating a variety of new technologies, the Metaverse is in the stage of vigorous development, and its combination with education also points out a new direction for future education. This paper summarizes the concept of the Metaverse and provides the technical framework of the Metaverse, which is divided into three parts: user perception layer, intelligent service layer, and infrastructure layer. The key technologies of each layer are introduced. Then the educational application scenarios of the Metaverse are analyzed, including creating immersive learning circumstances, constructing virtual collaborative learning space, and optimizing the online learning experience. Finally, the future development of the combination of metaverse and education is foreseen, and the direction of its development is indicated from both technical and educational perspectives, and the digital twin applied to the digital simulation and analysis of learners is imagined.
頁次 023-032
關鍵詞 元宇宙 教育 技术框架 应用场景 Metaverse education technical framework application scenario
卷期 19:2
日期 202204
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2232.2022.02.003