

篇名 十二年國教英語文教科書之設計與使用
並列篇名 Design and Use of English Textbooks for Twelve-year Basic Education
作者 葉錫南(Hsi-Nan Yeh)
中文摘要 十二年國教最大的特色在於核心素養的概念,許多教師為此新概念憂心不已,擔心不能勝任此波教育改革工作。本文作者認為,英文教師不該驚慌失措,只要坦然參與新課綱研習後,便會安心許多;因為現有綱要舊元素大多依然存在,只是有些(如學習策略)比以往受到更多的重視,有些(如思考能力)則向前延伸至國中及國小階段。本文提出幾項可能的作法,嘗試以素養的新思維重新演繹綱要的舊元素,以符合新課綱的精神,舒緩老師的壓力。同時也討論課綱新元素(如篇章結構、英文的新定位與新功能)在中學英語教科書及課堂中可能的設計與進行方式。本文以教科書編者及英文教師的夥伴關係總結,相信文中所提的大廚、二廚緊密合作,一方面可以順遂達成十二年國教英語文領綱的目標,另一方面也會是提升臺灣英語教學社群專業成長的好契機。
英文摘要 Twelve-year Basic Education (TBE) has been noted for the new concept of competency, which is composed of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Many teachers are stressing out about the new education reform. The author argues that teachers of English should feel at ease because the majority of the old elements in previous curriculum guidelines for English are retained. Some of these elements, such as learning strategies, receive more emphasis than before; some, such as thinking skills, are extended to junior high and primary schools. This study presents some possible ways in which these old elements could be re-conceptualized and re-structured from the perspective of competency-based instruction. As for the new elements, like discourse structures, and the new roles assigned to English in the world, such as reconstructing the society and functioning as a tool for acquiring new knowledge, are also discussed. It concludes that the joint efforts of textbook writers and the practitioners will lead to the accomplishment of the goals of TBE for English learning on the one hand, and help boost the professionalism of the English-teaching community in Taiwan on the other.
頁次 052-065
關鍵詞 十二年國教 思考能力 英語定位 素養導向教學 篇章結構 Twelve-year Basic Education thinking skills roles of English competencybased instruction discourse structures
卷期 303
日期 201907
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019070303005