

篇名 在爭議之中教學: 高中公民與社會科教師的同志議題教學經驗詮釋
並列篇名 Teaching in Dispute: The Experience Interpretation of theTeaching LGBTQ Issue of Civics and Society Teachers in High School
作者 居佳勳(Chia-Hsun Chu)
中文摘要 自2011年中小學納入同志教育爭議出現,校園對同志議題的不同立場競爭,從「隱而未顯」轉為「二元兩極對抗」。本研究欲探究二元兩極對抗脈絡下,高中公民與社會教師如何詮釋LGBTQ議題的教學目標、內容、校園氛圍與教學過程遇到的挑戰。本研究邀請四位高中公民與社會教師進行半結構式訪談。研究發現:一、教師對同志議題教學的詮釋存在同性戀群體處境同質化的狀況,忽略各種性少數議題及不帄等體制;二、校園出現師生的同志議題立場被分類與命名化的情況,阻礙教師專業合作並強化對立;三、師生討論同志議題時,因為二元兩極對抗脈絡框限師生運用的論述資源,使得多數學生經常以沈默回應,侷限對話和理解的可能。
英文摘要 Since the dispute about introducing LGBTQ education into elementary and high schools emerged in 2011, the struggle between different positions on LGBTQ education on campus has been turned from the hidden issue into the bipolar confrontation. This study attempts to explore how high-school Civics and Society teachers interpret the teaching of LGBTQ issue, school climate and the challenge to teaching LGBTQ issue in the context of bipolar confrontation. Semi-structured interviews were used to interview four high-school Civics and Society teachers in this study.The result shows: first, teachers’ interpretation of teaching LGBTQ issue has the tendency of homogenizing thesituation of the homosexual, ignoring the inequality structure of sexual hierarchy. Second, the school has emerged the condition that teachers and students’ positions on LGBTQ issue are classified and named so that cooperation has been obstructed and that the opposition has been strengthend. Third, because the sources of discourse teachers and students can use are confined by the context of the bipolar confrontation, the most of students were silent in discussing when teachers and students discussed LGBTQ issues.
頁次 099-132
關鍵詞 同志教育爭議 同志議題教學 公民與社會教師 the controversy of LGBTQ education the teaching of LGBTQ issue Civics and Society teachers
卷期 40
日期 201806
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學教育學系(含研究所)