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篇名 雙親健康行為群聚類別與嬰兒醫療利用之關係
並列篇名 The Association Between Parental Health Behavior Cluster Type and Infant Healthcare Utilization
作者 張筱詩(Hsiao-Shih Chang) 、施淑芳(Shu-Fang Shih)
中文摘要 背景:過去研究雖曾探討家庭成員健康或健康行為與嬰幼兒急診或住院醫療利用之相關性,但目前為止,研究取向多將父親或母親之健康行為當成獨立之預測因子,忽略了雙親健康行為有群聚之可能。此外,目前亦沒有相關研究探討雙親健康行為群聚類別對嬰兒醫療利用之影響。



結果:雙親健康行為的群聚類別可分為三種群聚類別:健康模範家庭、癮君子爸爸家庭,以及菸酒檳家庭。研究結果發現成長在菸酒檳家庭中的嬰兒,相較於成長在健康模範家庭的嬰兒,其急診醫療(OR=1.19;95%CI:1.03-1.36)及住院醫療(OR=1.22;95% CI: 1.05-1.42)之可能性較高。結論/實務應用:未來產前教育或健兒門診衛生教育應以家庭為中心,特別是著重於瞭解雙親或家庭成員之健康行為如吸菸等成癮物質使用,並納入衛教重點。此外,於衛教內容或倡議訊息中強化健康的跨世代轉承之概念,例如引用雙親不良健康行為可能增加嬰兒急診及住院機率之訊息,幫助雙親瞭解其健康行為將影響下一代的健康。
英文摘要 Background: Research has shown that parental health or health behaviors are associated with emergency visits and hospital admissions among infants. Thus far, research treats each parental health behavior as an independent predictor and fails to consider parents jointly and how their health behaviors collectively affect infants' healthcare utilization.

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the association between parental health behavior cluster and healthcare utilization in infants.

Methods: This study uses the first wave of data from the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study(TBCS)commissioned by the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan. We employed cluster analysis to analyze parental health behaviors. We then incorporated the resulting health behavior clusters as independent variables in a logit model to test their associations with infants' emergency care and hospital admissions.

Results: We find that infants who were born in a “smoking, alcohol, and drinking family” were more likely to use emergency services (OR=1.19;95% CI: 1.03-1.36) and have more hospital admission (OR=1.22;95% CI: 1.05-1.42).

Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Future prenatal education programs or education programs in well-baby clinics should be family-centered. In particular, healthcare professionals should inquire about parents' health behaviors, especially addictive behaviors such as smoking, and address those factors in the education program. In addition, health education strategies such as face-to-face education, web-based or app-based education platform, and referral services, need to tailor to the family's condition. It is also important to emphasize the concept of intergenerational health in health education materials and campaigns, e.g. citing evidence that parent's unhealthy behaviors are associated with increased risk of emergency and hospital admissions in infant so as to help patients understand the impacts of their health behaviors on their children.
頁次 001-032
關鍵詞 雙親健康行為 嬰兒醫療利用 嬰兒健康 群聚分析 parental health behaviors infant healthcare utilization infant health cluster analysis
卷期 56
日期 202212
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
DOI 10.7022/JHPHE.202212_(56).0001