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篇名 以系統性文獻回顧探討臺灣特殊幼兒家庭之親職壓力及其相關因素
並列篇名 A Literature Review of Research on Parenting Stress for Taiwanese Parents Who Had Young Children with Special Needs
作者 鄭雅莉(Ya-Li Cheng)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解臺灣特殊幼兒家庭的親職壓力及其相關因素之研究樣貌,具體來說,本研究有三個研究目的,第一,瞭解臺灣特殊幼兒家庭親職壓力相關實證性論文的研究對象、研究方法及工具;第二,統整臺灣特殊幼兒家庭的親職壓力情形;第三,瞭解臺灣特殊幼兒家庭親職壓力的相關變項。本研究採用系統性文獻回顧,文獻資料蒐集是透過華藝線上圖書館、ERICdata高等教育知識庫、Google學術搜尋等多元資料庫檢索,以「親職教養」、「父職」、「母職」、「親職壓力」,或前述任一關鍵字與「特殊幼兒」、「發展遲緩」、「身心障礙」之交集進行檢索,共計檢索出來刊登於臺灣學術期刊的18篇實證性論文。本研究之主要研究結果有三。第一,研究對象多為發展遲緩兒童的母親,研究大多採問卷調查法,所使用之工具為中文版親職壓力量表簡短版。第二,特殊幼兒家庭親職壓力研究現況:臺灣特殊幼兒家庭的親職壓力情形尚無定論,但是不同背景變項的特殊幼兒家庭親職壓力有顯著差異;第三,特殊幼兒的親職壓力:自我效能、親職壓力與生活品質有相關,而且親職效能是生活品質和親職壓力的中介變項。
英文摘要 The aim of this study was to delineate the contours of parenting stress for Taiwanese parents who had young children with special needs. This study explored research in parenting stress for parents who had young children with special needs from 2006 to 2021 in Taiwan, including 18 journal articles obtained from Airiti Library, Google Scholar and ERICdata. Through content analysis, parenting stress for Taiwanese parents who had young children with special needs was concluded, and this provided the framework of the study. The major findings of this research were as follows. a.Methodology: Parenting stress was the primary topic concerning parenting practices for parents who had young children with special needs. Most research aimed to investigate mother’s involvement using questionnaire survey. b.Parenting Stress: There were significant differences between groups of family demographic variables. c.Related variables: Most studies primarily focused on multiple topics such as quality of life, parental self-efficacy and other related variables. Recommendations were made based on research findings.
頁次 001-012
關鍵詞 文獻回顧 生活品質 特殊幼兒 親職效能 親職壓力 literature review quality of life young children with special needs parental efficacy parenting stress
卷期 164
日期 202309
刊名 特殊教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.202209_(164).1-12