

篇名 透明与幽暗:爱弥儿与卢梭混合意象的教育学阐释
並列篇名 Transparency and Darkness: An Educational Interpretation of the Mixed Images of Emile and Rousseau
作者 胡君进(HU Jun-jin)
中文摘要 与《忏悔录》类似,《爱弥儿》同样是卢梭本人的一幅自画像。爱弥儿作为一个卢梭想象出来的教育样板,其并不是一个透明的灵魂意象,而是隐藏着大量不容易被发现的幽暗底层。在爱弥儿身上,卢梭有意构造出各种叙事结构,以实现一种既真实又虚构的想象性演练。无论是爱弥儿与卢梭之间表层与潜在的复调关系,亦或卢梭与爱弥儿之间真诚与反叛的变形结构,还是两人之间基于恋母情结与造父意图的政治性血缘,这些都反复提醒我们在研究《爱弥儿》的一开始,不能忽视卢梭自身的人格特点和精神品质。爱弥儿既是卢梭的学生,也是卢梭的孩子,更是卢梭本人的颠倒。也正是在这样一种爱弥儿式卢梭与卢梭式爱弥儿的混合意象中,我们才可能真正捕捉卢梭的教育意图以及整部《爱弥儿》中各种隐遁的计划。
英文摘要 Similar to the Confessions Emile is also a self-portrait of Rousseau himself. As an educational model imagined by Rousseau, Emile is not a transparent image of soul, but implies a large amount of dark bottom which is not easy to be found. In the image of Emile, Rousseau intentionally constructed various narrative structures to achieve an imaginative exercise that is both real and fictional. No matter what kind of relationship between Emile and Rousseau, such as a superficial and potential polyphonic relationship, a distortion structure of sincerity and rebellion, or a political blood relationship based on the Oedipus complex and paternity intention, these clues have repeatedly reminded us that at the beginning of the study of Emile we should not ignore Rousseau’s own personality and spiritual characteristics. Emile is not only Rousseau’s student, but also his child, and even the reversal of Rousseau’s self-image. It is only by grasping such a mixed image of Emile’s Rousseau and Rousseau’s Emile that we can truly capture Rousseau’s educational intentions and various hidden plans in the Emile.
頁次 014-027
關鍵詞 爱弥儿 卢梭 教育样板 混合意象 Emile Rousseau educational model mixed images CSSCI
卷期 16:2
日期 202004
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.02.002