

篇名 後教師專業發展評鑑時期教師專業學習之省思與展望:工作嵌入式專業學習的觀點
並列篇名 Prospects of Teacher Professional Learning in the Post Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development Era: From the Perspective of Job-embedded Professional Learning
作者 丁一顧(Yi-Ku Ting) 、王孝維(Hsiao-Wei Wang)
中文摘要 臺灣自2005年開始試辦教師專業發展評鑑,至2016年起轉型為教師專業發展實踐方案,進入後教師專業發展評鑑時期,本文即在探討此一時期教師專業學習的轉型與發展。具體言之,本文首先分析教師專業發展評鑑的過去、現在與問題;其次,闡述工作嵌入式教師專業學習的相關概念;最後,從工作嵌入式專業學習的觀點來論述後教師專業發展評鑑時期教師專業學習的展望,並據以提出建議:一、關注教室本位的學生學習;二、建立差異化教師專業成長系統;三、強化同儕合作與省思回饋;四、善用學生資料進行專業對話;五、強調問題探究及立即應用;六、結合公開授課與備觀議課;七、落實情境支持提升成長效益。
英文摘要 Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development has been implemented as pilot experiments in Taiwan since 2005. It was later transformed into Teacher Professional Development Practice Program for Teachers in 2016. This paper aims to elaborate the transformation and development of teachers’ professional learning in the post teacher evaluation for professional development era. First of all, it analyzes the implementation and its problems or difficulties on teacher evaluation for professional development. Second, it elucidates the related concepts of job-embedded professional learning for teachers. Lastly, it addresses the prospects of teachers’ professional learning in the post teacher evaluation for professional development era, and comes up with several suggestions as follows: (1) paying attention to classroom-based student learning; (2) establishing systems of differentiated professional growth and development for teachers; (3) emphasizing peer collaboration, instructional refl ections and feedback; (4) having professional dialogues by utilizing students’ learning data; (5) stressing instructional inquiries and application; (6) combining public instruction with lesson preparation, observation and briefing; and (7) putting condition support into practice in order to enhance the effect of teacher growth.
頁次 004-017
關鍵詞 工作嵌入式專業學習 後教師專業發展評鑑時期 教師專業發展 job-embedded professional learning post teacher evaluation for professional development era teacher professional development
卷期 293
日期 201809
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018090293001