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篇名 教育工作者與邊緣青少年的相遇:互動分析及教師的反身之知
並列篇名 Where Educators Meet Marginalized Adolescents: Analysis of Interactions and Reflexive Knowing of Teachers
作者 顧瑜君(Yu-Chun Ku) 、吳明鴻(Ming-Hung Wu)
中文摘要 本研究以教育工作者與低社經處境中邊緣青少年的相遇為題,分析不易察覺的先天條件、互動方式及教育關係。本案例研究將分析互動雙方如何陷入常見的「陷阱」,更共構出耐人尋味的「竊案」。最後,針對如何讓社會正義落實於偏鄉教育的課題,提出本研究對教育工作者的啟發。本研究運用多元且跨學科的研究成果,並以「舞臺/表演隱喻」分析師生互動中的文化腳本。結論指出,為更能理解行為偏差青少年的行為與需求,教師需懸置已知、轉換為一種陌生人之眼,更敏銳覺察日常互動中師生共構的現象,發揮師者在教育現場的正面效應。
英文摘要 This study explored educators’ encounters with marginalized students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, in order to examine intangible predetermined factors, interactions and teacher-student relationships. Using a case study, it looked into how the two parties may fall into common “traps” that lead to a case of “theft” that may not be as it seems. Finally, some findings from the paper are offered that may serve as inspiration for working teachers on how to achieve social justice in the realm of rural education. We apply multiple and trans-disciplinary research results and use a “stage/performance metaphor” to analyze the cultural scripts hidden in the dynamics of teacher-student interactions. The paper concludes that educators have to suspend the known, and switch to a kind of stranger’s eyes, so that they may become more keenly aware of the co-construction processes with students, and effect a positive influence in pedagogical situations.
頁次 047-085
關鍵詞 偏鄉教育 邊緣兒少 戲劇理論 rural education marginalized adolescents dramaturgy TSSCI
卷期 19:2
日期 201912
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.3966/168020042019121902002