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篇名 地方學的深度學習設計轉化
並列篇名 Explore the Transformation of Localogy in the Approach of Deep Learning
作者 洪詠善(Yung-Shan Hung)
中文摘要 在國內,隨著《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》實施,高中強調跨領域課程教學,並培養學生自主行動、溝通互動與社會參與之核心素養以成為終身學習者。而在國外,許多國際研究機構的教育或經濟報告書均倡議永續發展與人類福祉(well-being)的素養教育,世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum, WEF)2020研究報告提出邁向教育4.0的藍圖,呼籲面對未來國際世界各種不確定性的變化(WEF, 2020),學生學習內容要超越學科本位的學習,學習經驗更要重視融合、個別化與自主學習。為回應這項強調「未來思維」的關鍵提問,本文以一所參加M. Fullan、G. Butler與J. Quinnd和跨國企業組織合作所成立之深度學習教育學全球夥伴聯盟(New Pedagogy for Deep Learning, NPDL)的高中校訂必修「地方學」為例,探討學校以「深度學習」實踐地方學的學習設計與實施經驗,了解教師如何轉化深度學習論述與工具,以及深度學習對地方學實踐帶來的意義。
英文摘要 With the implementation of the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guideline (hereinafter referred to as the 108 Curriculum Guideline), high schools emphasize interdisciplinary curriculum and teaching for cultivating students’ core competency of autonomous action, interactive communication, and social participation to become lifelong learners facing challenges from the future uncertain living world. The 2020 Report of the World Economic Forum initiates education 4.0, which indicates students will face various uncertain changes in the future world. Students’ learning content must go beyond subject-based learning, and the design of learning experience emphasis on integration, individualization and independent learning (WEF, 2020). In connection with this crucial questions about “future thinking”, the case of Localogy in a Senior High school is explored which participates the NPDL in Taiwan program established by M. Fullan, G. Butler, and J. Quinnd who cooperated with multinational corporations for the Global Partnership Alliance (New Pedagogy for Deep Learning, NPDL). The transformation and significance of the Localogy in deep learning of NPDL are explored for references of learning design.
頁次 035-051
關鍵詞 十二年國教課綱 全球素養 地方學 高中 深度學習 twelve-year basic education curriculum guideline global competence localogy high school deep learning
卷期 339
日期 202207
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022070339003