

篇名 疫情防控背景下“停课不停学”在线教学案例研究
並列篇名 Case Analysis of the Online Instruction in the Context of “Classes Suspended but Learning Continues” for Plague Prevention
作者 焦建利(Jiao Jianli) 、周晓清(Zhou Xiaoqing) 、陈泽璇(Chen Zexuan)
中文摘要 “停课不停学”是教育部应对由于新冠肺炎疫情防控带来的延期开学而提出的新举措。为了帮助此举措更有效落到实处,该文系统梳理了当前国内一些典型的延学期间各地各类在线教学方案及案例。通过对这些案例的分析和总结,归纳了网络在线课程、网络直播教学、学生自主学习、电视空中课堂等四种典型“停课不停学”的在线教学形式。在此基础上,为学校管理者、教师、学生、家长等实践主体提出了针对性的实施建议,以期为特殊时期的在线教学献言献策,为国内大中小学快速部署、实施在线教学提供参考。
英文摘要 Confronted with the 2019-nCoV outbreak, MOE recently required schools and universities in the country to postpone the start of 2020 spring semester, and meanwhile fulfill the requirement of “classes suspended but learning continues”. To facilitate the implementation of such policy, this study analyzes some typical online instruction cases that are arranged for plague prevention in China. These cases are online courses, webcast courses, self-directed learning, and TV air classes, respectively. Based on these changes, the present paper puts forward targeted suggestions for subjects of these online instruction cases, including school administrators, classroom teachers, students, and parents. This paper is written in the hope of shedding light upon online instructions in the context of plague prevention, hence promoting the implementation of online instructions in schools and universities in China.
頁次 106-113
關鍵詞 疫情防控 “停课不停学” 在线教学 案例研究 Plague Prevention “Classes Suspended but Learning Continues” Online Instruction Case Analysis CSSCI
卷期 398
日期 202003
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社