

篇名 计算思维培养阶段划分与教授策略探讨——基于皮亚杰认知发展阶段论
並列篇名 Discussion on the Division of the Training Stage of Computational Thinking and the Strategy of Teaching — Based on Piaget’s Stage Theory of Cognitive Development
作者 孙立会(Sun Lihui) 、王晓倩(Wang Xiaoqian)
中文摘要 对计算思维概念本质与结构框架的提炼是计算思维教授策略的基础。文章以皮亚杰认知发展阶段论的儿童思维发展逻辑为框架基础,划分计算思维培养的四阶段:实体感知与行为互动中的前计算思维阶段、符号象征与任务驱动中的计算思维准备阶段、逻辑推演与思维抽象中的计算思维形成阶段及假设推理与形式运演中的计算思维发展阶段。根据各阶段儿童认知心理与行为特点的不同设定相应的教学方式与策略:以实物感知与实体操作浸润前计算思维阶段、以逻辑任务与人机交互贯穿计算思维准备阶段、以图形化编程与计算参与助力计算思维形成阶段、以学科领域延伸与深度逻辑推理渗透计算思维发展阶段。
英文摘要 The refinement of the conceptual essence and structural framework of computational thinking is the basis of the teaching strategy of computational thinking. This paper is based on the logic of children’s thinking development based on Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development. Divided into four stages of computational thinking training: the pre-computational thinking stage in the interaction between entity perception and behavior, the computational thinking preparation stage in symbolic symbol and task-driven, The formation stage of computational thinking in logical deduction and thinking abstraction and the development stage of computational thinking in hypothetical reasoning and formal operation. According to the different characteristics of children’s cognitive psychology and behavior in different stages, the corresponding teaching methods and strategies are set up: calculating the thinking stage before physical perception and entity operation infiltration, running through the computational thinking preparation stage with logical tasks and human-computer interaction, Graphical programming and calculation are used to participate in the formation stage of computational thinking, and the extension of subject field and deep logical reasoning are used to infiltrate the development stage of computational thinking.
頁次 032-041
關鍵詞 关键词 计算思维 皮亚杰 培养阶段 认知发展 教授方式 Computational Thinking Piaget Training Stage Cognitive Development Teaching Mode CSSCI
卷期 398
日期 202003
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社