

篇名 國小中高年級學童文章結構辨識與閱讀理解之研究
並列篇名 Effects of Text Structures Identification on 3th Graders’ to 6th Graders’ Reading Comprehension
作者 劉佩雲(Pei-Yun Liu)
中文摘要 閱讀是學習的敲門磚,而國小階段正是奠定閱讀素養的關鍵期。基於文章結構在閱讀時能引導讀者組織、辨識文本的巨觀結構及重要訊息,進而提升閱讀理解。因此有必要探究國小中高年級學生的文章結構辨識類型差異及發展,及其與閱讀理解的關係。本研究以659 名國小三至六年級學生為對象,透過結構辨識測驗及閱讀理解測驗蒐集資料。研究結果發現文章結構能正向預測閱讀理解,年級與結構辨識在閱讀理解上有交互作用,三至六年級學生對故事體結構的辨識優於說明文,且其結構辨識與閱讀理解會隨著年級而遞增並發展,至於高結構辨識者的閱讀理解表現則會優於低結構辨識者。
英文摘要 Reading is the stepping stone of learning, and it is crucial to build up a foundation of reading literacy for children during the period of elementary school. Earlier research indicates that text structure guides readers to organize the macrostructure and identify important information of the text which enhance their reading comprehension. This study aims to explore the development of text structure awareness of the middle and senior grades of elementary school students, the difference of development, and the relationship between text structure and their reading comprehension. 659 3rd to 6th graders are probed with data collected through tests implemented with structure identification and reading comprehension. The main research result indicates that text structure can positively predict reading comprehension. Other results also include that (1) graders and structure awareness interact with each other on influencing reading comprehension; (2) 3rd-6th Graders perform better in identifying the narration structure than exposition type; (3) the structure awareness and reading comprehension grow when grade levels get advanced and the graders who recognizes the higher level structure perform better than the graders who does the lower level one.
頁次 143-164
關鍵詞 文章結構 結構辨識 閱讀理解 text structure structure identification reading comprehension TSSCI
卷期 23:1
日期 202001
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202001_23(1).0006