

篇名 政府主导大学高层次人才竞争的潜在风险及其突破——哲学视角的审思
並列篇名 The Potential Risk and Breakthrough of University High-Level Talents Competition under the Guidance of the Government: Reflection on the Philosophy Perspective
作者 徐娟(XU Juan)
中文摘要 政府在国家与社会的二元分离中进入大学治理的中心,并基于理性主义、科学主义等理性化思维强制给大学设定一套人才竞争的行动准则,大学高层次人才竞争由此被人类理性主观建构为政府主导下的治理行动。然而,理性的自负引致公共权力的扩张从而使大学高层次人才竞争被外部利益嵌套,工具理性对价值理性的僭越将大学高层次人才演绎为符码化存在,知识生产的规训机制意味着大学学术发展陷入严密监控的全景敞视主义。承认理性不及才能实现政府主导下大学高层次人才竞争的突破,这就需要在重思科研探索的本质中承认试错的意义,正视价值性问题的价值以转向人才竞争的学术需要,尊重“分散的知识”从而发挥自生秩序的内在约束力。
英文摘要 The government became the centre of university governance in the binary separation from society, it compulsorily set a series of action rules on the basis of rational thinking, such as rationalism, scientism, etc., and the high-level talents competition was constructed as government leading action by human rationality. However, rational conceit leads to the public power expansion and thus the high-level talents competition is nested by external interests, the overrides of tool reason makes the university high-level talents be the code existence, and the discipline mechanism of knowledge production means that academic development falls into the panoramic open-sightedness of strict monitoring. Only by recognizing rational limit can we achieve the breakthrough in university high-level talents competition under the guidance of the government. It is necessary for us to recognize the significance of trial by rethinking the nature of scientific exploration, turn to academic need by facing the value of value problems, and exert the internal binding force of autogenetic order by respecting “scattered knowledge”.
頁次 080-089
關鍵詞 政府主导 大学高层次人才竞争 理性自负 理性不及 潜在风险 government guidance university high-level talents competition rational conceit rational limit protential risk CSSCI
卷期 17:6
日期 202112
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2021.06.008