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篇名 後疫情時代校長領導新思維與微觀政治策略
並列篇名 The New Thinking and Micro-Political Strategy of Principal in Leadership of the Post-Epidemic Era
作者 黃巧吟(Chaio-Yin Huang) 、陳木金(Mu-Jin Chen)
中文摘要 世界衛生組織(WHO)已將新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)視為嚴重流行疾病,並呼籲各國做好面對詭譎多變的新冠疫情的準備。首先,許多專家建議應有長期抗戰、超前部署的認知,推展防疫新生活運動,強調社交距離是最高行為準則,所有群聚活動的形式都須被重新規範。其次,新冠疫情對學校這個人類文明最重要的教育場域造成的衝擊尤其顯著,教學推展與防疫運動輕重緩急,讓學校領導成員覺得混亂與不安。第三,根據國內外許多報導顯示,未來疫情的發展將演變為混亂中的常態秩序,校長要因應後疫情時代,更應具有危機管理能力,能透徹混沌理論精髓,掌握鉅觀政治的全球世界環境脈動,精準運用微觀政治的策略。最後,本文綜合探討分析後疫情時代校長領導新思維與微觀政治策略,提出三個方向:一、後疫情時代校長應勇於創新、敏銳覺察、共同演化、亂中求序、師法自然及活在當下之領導新思維;二、後疫情時代校長應掌握溝通與協調、合作與聯盟、資源與控制、對話與談判及意識型態五方面之微觀政治策略;三、科學管理學派、人群關係理論、權變情境理論、組織系統理論及混沌變革理論可供後疫情時代校長學校經營思維與策略的反思與參考。
英文摘要 The World Health Organization (WHO) has regarded COVID-19 (coronavirus) as a serious pandemic because the virus has now spread to many countries and regions, and calls on all countries to deal with the treacherous new coronavirus (COVID- 19) Epidemics of infectious diseases. Firstly, many experts suggest that we should be prepared for a long-term war of resistance and advance deployment, promote the new life movement for epidemic prevention, social distancing has become the highest code of conduct, and all forms of group activities should be re-regulated. Secondly, in the face of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease epidemic, the school, the most important educational field since human civilization, has been particularly affected. The promotion of teaching and the epidemic prevention campaign have become familiar to the school leaders’ confusion and anxiety. Thirdly, according to many reports at home and abroad, the future development of the epidemic may evolve into a chaotic normal order. The principal should respond to the post-epidemic era, and should have crisis management capabilities, and be able to thoroughly understand the essence of chaos theory and master macro-politics. The global world environment is pulsating, and the strategy of micro-politics is used precisely. Finally, this article comprehensively explores and analyzes the new thinking and micro-political strategies of principal in leadership of the post-epidemic era, and proposes three directions:1. The new thinking of principal in leadership of the post-epidemic era. 2. The principal’s micro-political strategy in the post-epidemic era. 3. Thinking and Strategies of School Management for Principals in Post-epidemic Era. Provide reference for school operation and management in the post-epidemic era.
頁次 059-075
關鍵詞 後疫情時代 校長領導新思維 微觀政治策略 post-epidemic era new thinking of principal in leadership micro-political strategies
卷期 323
日期 202103
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021030323005