

篇名 馬來西亞培養學生技能的願景——以「2013年至2025年馬來西亞教育發展大藍圖」為例
並列篇名 Malaysia’s Aspirations of Cultivating Student Skills — A Case Study of Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025
作者 張永仁(Eng-Jin Teo)
中文摘要 本文以「2013年至2025年馬來西亞教育發展大藍圖」計畫為例,分析馬來西亞培養學生技能的願景。首先說明「2013年至2025年馬來西亞教育發展大藍圖」計畫的背景,其次,指出馬來西亞教育制度之五大願景包括入學、品質、平等、團結及效能,最後敘述培養學生具備全球化競爭力技能六大願景包括知識、思考技能、領導技能、雙語能力、倫理與靈性及國家認同,並提出結論以供各界參考。
英文摘要 The goal of this case study aims at taking the “Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025” planning as an example, and therefore to analyse the aspirations of cultivating student skills. First and foremost, it details the context and backgroud of “Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025” planning. Secondly, identifying the five aspirations of the education system including access, quality, equity, unity and efficiency. Last but not least, unfolding the other six aspirations pertaining to cultivating students with global competitiveness skills such as knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics and spirituality, national identity. Finally with its conclusion which serves as a reference for all.
頁次 169-179
關鍵詞 馬來西亞 培養學生技能 願景 Malaysia cultivating student skills aspirations
卷期 90
日期 202105
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會
DOI 10.53106/160957582021050090005