

篇名 私立學校教師請假規定之適法性初探:以臺北市私立高中職為例
並列篇名 The Legality of Leave Rules for Teachers in Private High School in Taipei
作者 許志榮(Chih-Jung Hsu)
中文摘要 少子女化浪潮下,私立學校教師工作量不言而喻,但卻少有相關單位重視並維護其工作權益,本文採用文獻分析法及文件分析法,共分析臺北市10 所私立高中職,藉以探討私立學校教師工作章則之適法性,並得出以下結論及建議:第一,董事會議與校務會議權責重疊;第二,私立學校內部控制制度未能落實;第三,《教師請假規則》第18條第1項後段條文─得由各校自行定之,違反法律平等原則;第四,教育主管機關宜修法釐清權責單位或統一解釋;第五,教育主管機關宜全面普查私立學校內部控制制度及其適法性;第六,教育主管機關宜制定請假規則最低標準及修改《私立學校法》第51條第1 項規定,將內部控制制度改成核備制。
英文摘要 This study applied literature analysis and document analysis. The documents of ten private schools in Taipei are collected in total. The results and suggestions presented below. Firstly, the legal duty between the board meeting and general meetings overlaps. Secondly, there are some deficiencies in school internal control system. Thirdly, current regulations of leave rules for teachers seem to exist violation of principle of equality. Fourthly, the government should offer unified statutory interpretation. Fifthly, the authorities concerned ought to investigate work rules and their legality of private schools in Taiwan. Lastly, the educational authorities should set up basic rules for teachers’ work rights in private schools and urge to amend ” Private School Law”.
頁次 224-245
關鍵詞 私立學校 工作章則 教師請假規則 內部控制制度 Private Schools Work Rules Leave Rules Internal Control System
卷期 137
日期 202201
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202201_(137).0009