

篇名 教育效能的本质、特征与改进方法论
並列篇名 The Essence, Characteristics and Improved Methodology of Educational effectiveness
作者 温恒福(WEN Heng-fu) 、温宏宇(WEN hong-yu)
中文摘要 面对推进教育现代化,建设教育强国,办好人民满意教育的时代使命,教育不仅要有高效率和高质量,更要追求高效能。教育效能是教育主体全面有效实现教育目的,保障师生健康幸福与可持续发展的能量与能力。其本质是教育活动合目的有效性整体,主要表现为合目的有效性的程度(深度、广度和持久度)。教育效能具有合目的性、有效性、整体性、持续性、潜在性与时代性等主要特征。教育效能改进的方法论是整体结构优化。主要包括六个方面:以提升“合目的有效整体性”为核心的整体结构优化;在提高素质的基础上完善人格目标;优化教育保健的教育教学生态;创建师生高效能教学共同体的师生关系;学习先进,科学增效、科技赋能、创造性艺术性改进的教育教学方法;在教育效能改进中创造更先进的富有中国特色与时代风格的现代教育文明的品格与态势。
英文摘要 In order to fulfil the mission of promoting educational modernization, building a strong country in education and making education satisfactory to the people, education should not only have high efficiency and quality, but also pursue high effectiveness. Educational effectiveness refers to the comprehensive and effective realization of educational purpose by the main body of education, and to the power
and capability of maintaining teachers' and students' well-being and sustainable development . The essence of educational effectiveness implies that educational activities takes purpose effectiveness as a whole. The main performance is the degree (i. e. depth, breadth and durability) of purpose effectiveness. Educational
effectiveness has the main characteristics of purpose, effectiveness, integrity, persistence, potentiality and temporal spirit. The methodology of educational effectiveness improvement is the optimization of the whole structure. , that includes six basic aspects: (1) the optimization of the whole structure with the core of promoting “effective integration of purpose”; (2) the improvement of i educational aims on good-personality and quality; (3) the promotion of education and teaching ecology in education and health care; (4) the optimization of the teacher-student relationship by establishing a teacher-student teaching community with high effectiveness; (5) the improvement of educational and teaching methods with advanced learning, scientific effectiveness, and creative art improvement; (6) the optimization of modern educational civilization with Chinese characteristics and times style created in the improvement of educational effectiveness.
頁次 066-074
關鍵詞 教育效能 学校效能 教育效能的本质 教育效能的特征 学校改进方法论 educational effectiveness school effectiveness the essence of educational effectiveness the characteristics of educational effectiveness the methodology of school effectiveness CSSCI
卷期 16:2
日期 202004
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.02.007