

篇名 台美兩國教學實習法規與實務運作的探究與比較
並列篇名 Exploration and Comparison of the Regulations and Practices of Preservice Teaching Practicum Between Taiwan and America
作者 呂秀蓮(Hsiu-Lien Lu)
中文摘要 本文旨在探究並比較台灣和美國教學實習的法規內涵和實務運作間的異同。引導本研究的問題包括:(1)我國與美國教學實習的法規內涵為何?(2)我國與美國教學實習的實務運作為何?(3)我國與美國教學實習法規與實務運作有何異同點?本研究採用比較法,首先釐清兩國教學實習法規的位階與彼此之間的關係,接著分析雙方教學實習的實務運作,最後並列雙方教學實習法規與實務運作的異同點,逐⼀做深入的探究與分析比較。研究結果發現,由於台美兩國對師培的定位不同,影響所及,教學實習法規的內涵也不相同,後續實務運作更隨之呈現迥異的現象。其相異點特別展現在兩方面:(一)我國法律趨向職責項目的規定,實務運作呈現一元結構管理,而美國法律採用原則和標準的規定,實務運作呈現多元創意自主,以及(二)我國的師培大多為輔修,美國師培則多為主修,因此形成實習實務運作在學分數外或內修習的對比,實習成效也互異。本研究的發現凸顯了臺灣和美國預職前教學實習規定和實踐之間的差異,也凸顯了政策因素對兩個國家師資培育實務運作的影響。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the regulations and practices of preservice teaching practicum in Taiwan and the United States, focusing on identifying similarities and differences. The guiding questions included a) What are the regulations governing preservice teaching practicum in Taiwan and the United States, respectively? b) What are the practices of preservice teaching practicum in Taiwan and the United States, respectively? and c) What are the similarities and differences in regulations and practices of preservice teaching practicum between Taiwan and the United States? The comparative method was employed in this study. Initially, the levels and relationships of the preservice teaching practicum regulations in both countries were clarified. Subsequently, the practicum practices in each country were analyzed. Finally, an in-depth comparison was conducted to identify the similarities and differences in regulations and practices of preservice teaching practicum between Taiwan and the United States. The findings revealed that due to the differing positions of teacher education in Taiwan and the United States, the connotations of practicum regulations varied, resulting in distinct practicum practices. Two key differences were identified: i) In Taiwan, laws tend to specify specific responsibility items, leading to a more unified structure in practicum practices. In contrast, American laws provide principles and standards, allowing for a greater degree of autonomy, diversity, and creativity in practicum practices. ii) Teacher education in Taiwan is typically considered a minor, while in the United States, it is often pursued as a major. This distinction impacts the number of preservice teaching practicum credit hours taken within or outside of teacher education programs, as well as the outcomes of the practicum experiences. Overall, this study sheds light on the disparities in regulations and practices of preservice teaching practicum between Taiwan and the United States, emphasizing the influence of policy factors on the nature and implementation of teacher education programs in each country.
頁次 021-050
關鍵詞 教學實習 實習生 教育實習 實習法規 實地實習 teaching practicum student teachers educational practicum practicum regulations field experiences
卷期 22:2
日期 202312
刊名 教育科學期刊
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心教師專業發展研究所