

篇名 失落的環節:教師領導者的培育與發展
並列篇名 The Missing Link: Preparation and Development of Teacher Leaders
作者 孫志麟(Chih-Lin Sun)
中文摘要 隨著教育改革的往前推進,以及學校組織的變革與發展,教師領導已經超越傳統的班級領導,逐漸成為學校改進的重要議題,躍上教育領導的新舞台。教師領導作為教師專業發展的另類途徑,為學校變革與發展注入新的力量。然而,有關教師領導者的培育與發展,卻未受到應有的重視與關注,相關論述及實徵研究鮮少,尚有再開拓的空間。本文在文獻梳理的基礎上,探討教師領導者培育與發展議題,期能對中小學教師領導發展有所啟示。基於領導即實踐的主張,本文提出教師領導者培育與發展的若干建議,作為促進中小學教師領導之參考。這些建議包括:一、正視教師領導者的養成;二、建構教師領導專業標準;三、規劃教師領導發展方案;四、喚醒教師領導意識;五、提供教師領導發展機會;六、發展教師專業學習社群;七、形塑教師領導正向文化;八、建立教師領導支持系統。
英文摘要 The concept of teacher leadership has gained more attention in the literature of educational leadership. Teachers exhibit leadership in multiple ways. Teacher leaders assume a wide range of roles to support school improvement and student success. However, less is known about how teacher leadership develops and its preparation. Teacher leaders are not born, they are made. This paper attempts to explore the preparation and development of teacher leaders. There are several issues involved in promoting teacher leaders in schools. In this paper, it provides some suggestions to enhance teacher leadership. These include the following: (1) facing the importance of teacher leadership development, (2) constructing the professional standards for teacher leadership, (3) designing the training and development program for teacher leaders, (4) awakening teachers’ leadership awareness, (5) providing teachers with leadership development opportunities, (6) developing a professional learning community for teachers, (7) shaping a positive school culture for teacher leadership, and (8) establishing a comprehensive support system focused on teacher leadership.
頁次 087-102
關鍵詞 教師專業發展 教師領導 教師領導者 學校改進 teacher professional development teacher leadership teacher leader school improvement
卷期 293
日期 201809
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018090293006