

篇名 後教專時代教師專業成長之個案研究:回到人與學習的核心價值
並列篇名 A Case Study of Teacher Professional Development on Post-teacher Professional Development Evaluation Age: Backing to the People and Learning
作者 陳美如(Mei-Ju Chen)
中文摘要 本研究進入一所從社區高中轉型為有具國際化與創意的特色高中,進行訪談與觀察,探究個案學校如何實踐教師專業發展。研究發現,整合不同計畫、聚焦學校教育目標、揉合教師專業發展與課程發展實踐、跨越教師專業發展評鑑之形式與規範,直指本質,是學校可以長期進行教師專業發展以帶動學生學習的關鍵策略。學生學習的理解與促進,更是教師專業發展的關鍵任務,藉由教師的專業成長與教學實踐帶動學生學習發展;學生學習的成長又激勵教師持續專業發展,回到人與學習的正向循環,正是後教專時代的教師專業發展寫照。
英文摘要 In this study, how the case school achieves teacher professional development was discussed by interviewing and observing a community high school transformed into an international and creative featured one. It found that integrating different projects, focusing on school education goals, blending teacher professional development and curriculum development practices, crossing over the formats and norms of teacher professional development evaluation, and backing to nature of education, are the critical strategies for schools to carry out teacher professional development to promote student learning in the long term. Understanding and promotion of student learning are also the key tasks of teacher professional development. Student learning development will be promoted by teacher professional growth and teaching practice, and student learning growth will also motivate teacher continuing professional development. It goes back to the positive cycle of learning, which is exactly the portrait of teacher professional development in the post- teacher professional development era.
頁次 018-035
關鍵詞 教師專業 教師發展 學習 學習領導 teacher professional teacher development learning leading learning
卷期 293
日期 201809
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602018090293002