

篇名 教师“减负”:英国的经验与启示
並列篇名 Teacher Workload Reduction: Experience and Enlightenment from UK
作者 陆道坤(LU Dao-kun)
中文摘要 长期以来,超负荷工作已成英国教师“常态”。超负荷工作对教师身心健康、专业情感、教学投入、专业发展造成了负面影响,降低了教师职业吸引力,影响了教师招录和留用。英国于21世纪初开始“减负”行动,经过20年努力,“减负”成效渐显。该行动基于“系统调查—循证探索—经验推广”的路线,将自上而下的改革与自下而上实践探索相结合,形成了政策制度改革、“校本”探索、教师素养提升与人力资源补充的“合力”。对我国教师“减负”的启示是:“减负”需立足系统思考,制度“减负”与行动“减负”相结合,管理部门与学校和教师要形成“合力”。
英文摘要 The excessive workload has been the norm of teachers in UK, which had a negative impact on teachers, physical and mental health, emotion for teaching, devoting to teaching and professional development, in consequence, the attractiveness of the profession of the teacher are losing and teacher’s recruitment and retention are getting harder and harder. UK carried out the project of teacher workload reduction at the begging of 21st century, which has led to good effect through 20 years’ effort. The project was based on logic of systematic investigation-evidence-based exploration-nationally experience promotion and combined the top-down government-led reform with the bottom-up school-led practical exploration, which formed the mode of teacher workload reduction that consists of government-led policy reformation, school-based exploration, teacher training and supplement of teacher human resources.
頁次 108-114
關鍵詞 教师减负 英国 经验 teacher workload reduction UK experiences CSSCI
卷期 33:1
日期 202101
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心