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篇名 UbD逆向設計結合六層次閱讀認知能力提問教學對國中一年級學生閱讀理解學習成效影響之研究
並列篇名 Action Research on the Influence of UbD Backward Design Combined with Six-Level Reading Cognitive Ability Questioning Instruction on the Reading Comprehension Performance of Seven-grade Students
作者 張慧琳(CHANG, Hui-Ling) 、王金國(WANG, Chin-Kuo)
中文摘要 本研究主要目的在探討運用 UbD 逆向設計結合六層次閱讀認知能力提問教學,對國中學生國文閱讀理解認知能力、學習興趣與動機以及紙筆測驗之影響情形。本研究以24 名國中一年級學生為行動研究教學對象,研究者運用UbD 逆向設計結合六層次閱讀認知能力提問教學,進行持續15 週、每週5 節課之國文教學活動。所蒐集之質性資料有教室觀察、學生學習單、同事觀課後回饋、及訪談紀錄等;並輔以前測、後測成績,段考考題符合六層次閱讀認知能力者答對率之分析與學生問卷等量化資料。歷經行動研究57 節課,8 個單元的方案教學,主要結果如下:一、教學方案之實施,能有效提升學生閱讀理解認知能力,包含訊息擷取能力、綜合分析能力與口語表達能力之進步。二、教學方案之實施,可提升學生的學習興趣與動機。三、實施本教學方案後,有助於提升學生閱讀理解紙筆測驗成績。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of UbD backward design combined with six-level reading cognitive ability questioning instruction on the cognitive ability, interest and motivation of Chinese reading, and the impact of paper-and-pencil test. In this study, 24 seven-grade students were participated. The researcher used UbD backward design combined with six-level reading cognitive ability questioning instruction to teach Chinese for 15 weeks and 5 lessons per week. The data collected was mainly qualitative information such as classroom observations, students’ worksheets, colleague feedbacks, interview records; part of the data was collected through quantitative method, for instance, the score in pre-test and post-test, achievement test of six levels cognitive ability with the comparison of students’ performance, and student questionnaires. After 57 classes of action research, 8 units of plan teaching, the main results were as follows: 1. UbD backward design combined with six-level reading cognitive ability questioning instruction effectively improved students' cognitive ability in reading comprehension, including the ability of information acquisition, comprehensive analysis and oral expression. 2. The instruction enhanced students' interest and motivation in learning. 3. The instruction improved the paper-and-pencil test results of reading comprehension.
頁次 077-106
關鍵詞 UbD 逆向設計 六層次閱讀認知能力 提問教學 UbD backward design six-level reading cognitive ability questioning instruction
卷期 40
日期 201912
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
DOI 10.7038/JETP.201912_(40).0004