

篇名 審議民主的教學悖論:溝通式民主的多元文化主義回應
並列篇名 Pedagogical Paradox of Deliberative Democracy: A Response of Communicative Democracy on Multiculturalism
作者 梁卓恒(Cheuk-Hang Leung)
中文摘要 審議式民主近年來成為民主研究的顯學,在規範性的理論研究和實證的個案探討皆積累了相當的研究成果。西方的公民教育研究亦受此潮流影響,學界開始討論如何在學校場域加入審議民主的學習元素。然而,亦有論者質疑審議式民主的推行,強調「理性思維」與「客觀表述」將不利於弱勢社群,構成審議式民主在多元文化處境下的「教學悖論」,有可能以賦權之名行壓迫之實。本文將公共審議置於多元文化主義的關懷下,嘗試將政治理論和教育哲學結合,以跨科際的角度評析審議式民主機制與弱勢群體的關聯,從規範性理論的價值視角回應審議式民主的教學悖論。本文借用政治哲學家I. M. Young溝通式民主的理論框架,重整公共審議容納的話語形式和操作規範,展示溝通式民主的審議式模型,回應對審議式民主教育的典型批評。本文期望可替審議式民主的教育重點作出澄清,並為相關的實證研究引介理論基礎,以檢視審議式民主的公民教育於多元文化社會中的適用性。
英文摘要 Recent years have witnessed considerable research output on public deliberation from the perspectives of normative theory and empirical study. Deliberative democracy has become a key topic in the study of democracy. Research on civic education in the Western society has somehow followed this trend. Academics have begun to discuss the implementation of learning deliberative democracy in schools. However, some might question the fairness of practising deliberative democracy. They emphasized that “rational thinking” and “objective expression” could be detrimental to the disadvantaged communities and thus constitute the “pedagogical paradox” of deliberative democracy in a multicultural society; that is, it is possible to exercise oppression in the name of empowerment. This paper provides an interdisciplinary perspective—integrating political theory and the philosophy of education—for investigating the relationship between deliberative democracy and disadvantaged citizens in multicultural society. By borrowing the theoretical framework of Iris Marion Young’s “communicative democracy,” this paper articulates the possible discursive formats and normative constraints for the implementation of public deliberation. It aims to provide a normative response to the pedagogical paradox by examining the use of public deliberation under the framework of multiculturalism. By reconstructing communicative democracy and liberalism, this paper provides a theoretical reference for empirical studies on deliberative civic education, so as to examine the applicability of deliberative civic education in a multicultural society.
頁次 043-074
關鍵詞 多元文化主義 多數者的語言 溝通式民主 話語形式 審議式民主 multiculturalism language of majority communicative democracy discursive format deliberative democracy TSSCI
卷期 54
日期 202006
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272020060054002