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篇名 因應高齡社會推動老幼共學:兼論代間學習之理念與實務
並列篇名 Promoting Child-Elder Co-learning in Aged Society: The Concept and Practice of Intergenerational Learning
作者 王令宜(Ling-Yi Wang)
中文摘要 臺灣社會面臨「少子」與「高齡」雙重嚴峻挑戰,對政治、經濟、文化、教育各方面皆產生相當大衝擊,如何有效推動代間教育,促進代間共融,並減少世代隔閡,達到培養年輕世代具備「自發、互動、共好」的核心素養,且提升高齡者人力資本和社會參與的教育目標,實為值得關注的重要議題。本文旨在探析高齡社會中推動老幼代間學習之理念與實務,首先探究老幼代間學習之意涵及要素,其次介紹歐盟、美國、日本、新加坡等區域國家發展老幼代間學習之現況,接著分析臺灣實施老幼代間學習之個案類型,最後提出未來推動老幼代間學習之發展方向,包含進行代間學習需求評估、加強代間學習師資培育、發展代間學習本土模式、建構代間學習成效指標及研訂代間學習實務手冊等五項。
英文摘要 Taiwan is facing the challenge of low fertility and aged society. The impact has influenced the aspects of politics, economy, culture and education. How to promote intergenerational education effectively and to break down the obstacles between generations are therefore essential. And it makes two issues become increasingly vital: cultivating young generations’ core competencies, such as taking initiative, engaging in interaction and seeking the common good and elevating the educational purpose of human capital and social engaging within elderly. This research mainly focuses on analyzing the concept and practice of intergenerational learning in aged society. Firstly, we investigate the meaning and factors of intergenerational education. Secondly, we introduce the achievements of intergenerational education in the Europe Union, the USA, Japan and Singapore. Thirdly, we analysis types of intergenerational education cases in Taiwan. Finally, we offer five suggestions: Conducting needs assessment of intergenerational learning, strengthening teacher cultivation of intergenerational learning, developing local mode of intergenerational learning, constructing the indicators of evaluating the efficiency of intergenerational learning and forming the practical manual of intergenerational learning.
頁次 104-120
關鍵詞 代間教育 代間學習 老幼共學 高齡社會 intergenerational education intergenerational learning child-elder co-learning aged society
卷期 315
日期 202007
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020070315007