

篇名 西部连片特困地区普惠性民办幼儿园教师队伍建设的现实困境与突围路径
並列篇名 The Practical Dilemma and Breakthrough Path for the Construction of Teaching Staff of Inclusive Private Kindergartens in the Contiguous Poor Areas of Western China
作者 郑益乐(ZHENG Yi-le) 、周晔(ZHOU Ye) 、史文秀(SHI Wen-xiu)
中文摘要 教师是教育扶贫的先行者,西部连片特困地区的特殊域情彰显了普惠性民办幼儿园教师队伍建设的独特价值。通过对六盘山M片区7县38所普惠性民办幼儿园的调研,我们发现西部连片特困地区普惠性民办园教师队伍面临先天“营养不良”、专业成长空间被挤压、教师队伍士气低落、“旅客”式流动现象严重等诸多问题。为此,要打破“所有制身份”的体制桎梏,提高普惠性民办园教师获得感;推进普惠性民办园“非营利性”转向,消解教师队伍建设的机制障碍;实施普惠性民办园“质量提升计划”,助推教师队伍内涵式成长;引导教师找回迷失的“精神世界”,唤醒教师的内在专业发展动能。
英文摘要 The teachers are the forerunners of educational poverty alleviation, and the special regional conditions in the contiguous poor areas of Western China highlight the unique value of the construction of teacher team of inclusive private kindergarten. Through the investigation of 38 inclusive private kindergartens in 7 counties in M Areas of Liupanshan, we found that the teacher teams of inclusive private kindergartens in the western China were faced with many problems, such as congenital a malnutrition”, squeezed professional growth space, low morale of teachers, serious a passenger” mobility phenomenon and so on. To this end, it is necessary to break the system shackles of “ownership status”, improve the sense of acquisition of teachers of inclusive private kindergartens, promote the a non-profit” trend of inclusive private kindergartens, and eliminate the institutional obstacles in the construction of teacher teams;    Implement the “quality improvement plan” of inclusive private kindergartens, and promote the connotative growth of teacher teams; Guide teachers to find the “spiritual world”, and awaken the inherent momentum of professional development of teacher teams.
頁次 075-079
關鍵詞 西部连片特困地区 普惠性民办幼儿园 教师队伍建设 学前教育反贫困 contiguous poor areas of western China inclusive private kindergarten construction of teacher team anti-poverty in preschool education CSSCI
卷期 33:1
日期 202101
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心