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篇名 諮商當事人求助行為之分析研究--以彰師社諮中心為例
並列篇名 An Analytic Study of Help-seeking Behavior Coming from Clients--A Study in Community Counseling and Human Development Services Center of NCUE
作者 張虹雯(Chang, Hung-wen) 、陳金燕(Chen, Chin-yen)
中文摘要 本研究以Saunders的求助行為歷程概念為依據,探討諮商當事人在求助行為歷程中所需耗費時間、自評困難度以及因應方式,此外,社會支持、性別及婚姻狀況如何影響諮商當事人的求助行為均為本研究探討的範疇。本研究以問卷調查法的方式進行,共蒐集61位當事人及29位未成年當事人家長的資料,之後進行資料分析。研究結果如下:1.超過二分之一的當事人,在問題發生後的兩年或兩年以後才會向心理相關機構等尋求協助,大多數當事人因應困擾的方式為:嘗試自己解決問題、聽音樂、等待事情過去、運動或休閒活動等。2.求助行為歷程的初始階段需要最多的時間,之後的階段則呈現趨減的趨勢;求助行為歷程初期自評困難度是較高的,之後則困難度下降。男性較女性成年當事人在求助行為歷程中覺得困難,要花費較久的時間,已婚者自評進入每個階段的困難度是較未婚者低的,但耗費的時間卻是較長的;未成年當事人較其家長在求助行為歷程中覺得困難,但耗費的時間卻較短。3.在所有當事人及家長中,有七成到八成的人,在求助行為歷程中曾與他人討論或曾接受協助,而隨著求助行為歷程的推進,使用社會支持網絡的頻率更為增加;求助行為初始階段的協助者主要為朋友與同事,之後,則是老師與專家。母親或父親是未婚者主要的家人協助者,已婚者則是兄弟或姊妹,此外,配偶不是已婚者最主要的支持者。未成年當事人的主要協主者為父母,其中又以母親為主,而協助家長開啟求助行為者則為老師及專家。
英文摘要 Based on Saunders' help-seeking behavior concept, this study is not only aimed at exploring the length of time needed、self-evaluated difficulty and coping strategy during the process of seeking therapy, but investigating how social support、gender and marital situation affect client's help-seeking behavior. 61 clients and 29 parents have completed the process of seeking therapy questionnaire (PSTQ) and PSTQ parent version. The results of this research are as follows: 1. Over half of the clients, the time between the onset of the problem and seeking therapy is over two years. Most of the clients choose coping strategy like: trying to find solution on one's own、listening to music、waiting for problem to go away、exercise or leisure activity. 2.The preliminary stage step in the process took the longest time and had the highest self-evaluated difficulty level, but subsequent stage were achieved relatively more quickly and having less difficulty. 3. During the process of help-seeking, there are about 70% to 80% of the clients and parents had talked to someone (like friends、co-workers、teachers and experts) about the problem prior to seeking therapy.
頁次 57-86
關鍵詞 諮商當事人 求助行為 Client The help-seeking behavior
卷期 26:2
卷期 26:2
日期 200412
刊名 彰化師大輔導學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系