

篇名 从史密斯模型反观乡村教师生活补助政策的偏差与矫正
並列篇名 On the Deviation and Correction of Rural Teachers’ Living Subsidy Policy from Smith Model
作者 薛正斌(XUE Zheng-bin)
中文摘要 乡村教师生活待遇是一个复杂敏感的问题,直接影响着教师的工作积极性和教师队伍的稳定。针对目前乡村教师生活补助政策执行的偏差,本文根据史密斯政策执行过程模型理论建构了乡村教师生活补助政策执行分析框架,从政策文本、执行主体、目标群体和政策环境四个主要因素探究乡村教师生活补助政策执行偏差问题,以此提出改进和完善乡村教师生活补助政策执行的建议:增强政策文本的科学合理性、提高执行主体的综合素养、激发目标群体的主动性、营造良好的政策执行环境等,惠及所有乡村教师,提高他们的工作积极性。
英文摘要 The living treatment of rural teachers is a complex and sensitive issue, which directly affects the teachers’ enthusiasm and stability. In view of the deviation in the implementation of the current rural teachers’ living subsidy policy, based on the Smith, is model theory of implementing policy process, an analysis framework of implementing the rural teachers’ subsidy policy has been constructed, which includes four main factors: the policy text, implementation main body, target group and implementation environment, in order to explore the policy deviation. Based on this, the rural teachers’ subsidy policy, which includes enhancing the scientific nature of the policy text, improving comprehensive quality of the policy implementation subject, stimulating the initiative of the policy target group, and creating a good implementation environment and so on, has been established to improve and perfect the implementation of the policy, which can benefit all rural teachers, and improve their work enthusiasm.
頁次 045-050
關鍵詞 乡村教师生活补助政策 史密斯模型 分析框架 偏差 矫正 Rural teachers’ living subsidy policy Smith Model analysis framework deviation correction CSSCI
卷期 33:1
日期 202101
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心