

篇名 集团化办学及其形式对义务教育学校师资配置差异的影响分析——基于北京市D区的实证研究
並列篇名 The Impact of Group-based Schooling and Its Forms on the Differences in Teachers Allocation in Compulsory Education Schools – Based on an Empirical Analysis of D District in Beijing
作者 杜玲玲(DU Ling-ling)
中文摘要 2000年以来,集团化办学成为扩大区域内义务教育优质师资、促进校际均衡的重要举措。以北京市D区为例,利用双重差分和三重差分模型分析发现,集团化政策能缩小薄弱校和优质校之间教师基本配置的差异,集团化形式中的九年一贯制试点最为有效,但对缩小优质师资差异方面,无论哪种形式,效果均不显著。为更好地实现集团化办学政策目的,应基于教师专业发展,促生优质教师流动的内在动力,更重要的是以契约形式规范权力的让渡与分配,为集团内部教师交流与轮岗提供制度保障;积极探索九年一贯制试验改革,探索学生贯通培养模式,打通不同学段间的资源配置;形成教育部门宏观统筹、社会力量积极参与、各学校拥有较大办学自主空间的格局。
英文摘要 The grouped school-running policies is to promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. Taking D district as an example, this paper analyzes the different effects of collectivization policies on the allocation of teacher resources of low-performing and high-quality schools through the DID and DDD models. It is found that collectivization policy can reduce the difference in the elementary allocation of teachers between low-performing and high-quality schools, but it has no significant effect on narrowing the difference in high-quality teachers. The nine-year consistent pilot system is the most effective in the form of group formation. It should attach importance to the system specification, through the form of the contract to regulate the distribution of power, with policies and laws as the construction of education group teacher resources allocation. It also should be carried out the nine-year experiment reform of primary and secondary schools.
頁次 060-067
關鍵詞 集团化办学 师资配置 校际差异 grouped school-running policies teacher resource allocation inter-school differences CSSCI
卷期 33:1
日期 202101
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心