

篇名 高校“预聘-长聘制”改革的风险研判及破解路径
並列篇名 Risk Judgment and Cracking Path of “Pre-Employment Long Appointment” System Reform in Universities
作者 朱玉成(ZHU Yu-cheng)
中文摘要 终身教职制度是美国高校自发形成的内生型制度,丰富的教职来源、强健的专业保障、完善的学术氛围、畅通的流动机制和宽松的文化环境构成了其繁荣的土壤。我国高校实施预聘-长聘制虽然取得了突出效果,但同时也暴露出了一系列问题:一是外生型改革导致利益博弈复杂,制度移植存在水土不服现象;二是“非升即走”中的培养支持不足,教师“走”后的兜底保障不够;三是晋升前易出现急功近利的现象,晋升后易成为“保护懒汉”的制度。建议完善制度顶层设计与动力传导链条,关注政策实施的弹性与灵活性;落实预聘期内的培养支持机制,完善教师“走”后的兜底保障制度;实施适应性与发展性考核评价,建立健全终身教职后评估制度。
英文摘要 The tenure-track is an endogenous system spontaneously formed by American universities. The rich resources of teaching sources, strong professional growth guarantee, perfect academic conscious atmosphere, smooth talent flow mechanism and relaxed cultural recognition environment constitute the soil for the development and prosperity of tenure-track. Although the implementation of the pre-employment long employment system in China, is colleges and universities has achieved obvious results, it has also exposed a series of problems: First, the exogenous reforms have led to a complex game of interests among the various subjects. At the same time, there is a phenomenon of “endemic” in the process of system transplantation; Second, the lack of training and support for pre-employment teachers and the lack of protection for unemployed teachers; Third, teachers are quick to make quick profits before they are promoted, and become “lazy” after promotion. The focus of the next phase of reform includes: First, we need to improve the top-level design of the system and the mechanism of power transmission to maintain the flexibility of policy implementation; Second, implement the training support mechanism for teachers in the pre-employment period, ad improve the security system after teachers leave the post; Third, implement evaluation and evaluation that reflects adaptability and development, and improve the post-tenure review.
頁次 040-044
關鍵詞 高校教师 终身教职制度 预聘-长聘制 “非升即走” high school teacher tenure-track pre-employment long appointment system “up-or-out” CSSCI
卷期 33:1
日期 202101
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心