

篇名 國小學生集體共構達悟族大船文化知識的知識翻新活動
並列篇名 Elementary Students Engaging in Knowledge Building to Co-construct Tao’s Big Boat Culture Knowledge
作者 洪國財(Guo-Tsai Hung) 、許菱雅(Ling-Yia Shiu) 、洪煌堯(Huang-Yao Hong)
中文摘要 有鑑於108學年度施行的十二年國教強調自主行動、溝通互動,以及社會參與,要求具備理解本土事務以及關心本土文化的教育理念,本研究擬探討融入知識翻新活動於國小大船文化課程,對原住民學生的學習歷程與成就之影響。研究問題聚焦在了解學生如何集體建構文化知識的學習歷程與成果。本研究採個案研究,研究對象為蘭嶼鄉朗島國小七位達悟族六年級學生,教學設計包含想法中心的知識翻新活動及線上學習平台的輔助。本研究採用質性研究的描述方式,分析平台上學生集體建構的文化知識與課程中學生個別手繪大船文化心智圖的資料是否具有一致性。研究發現,知識翻新活動能有效形成社群的學習共同體、幫助學生集體共構社群知識,以及提升個人大船文化知識與理解。本研究並對教學創新和文化知識學習提出建言。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the influences of Tao’s (an Taiwanese Aboriginal tribe) students’ learning processes and achievements after engaging in knowledge building (KB) activities for one semester to co-construct their knowledge about Tao’s Big Ship culture. The research questions were: (1) How did the KB activities affect students’ co-construction of their cultural knowledge? and (2) What have individual students learned about Tao’s cultural knowledge as reflected in the assignments of their individual hand-drawn mind maps (or, whether what they drew corresponded with students’ collective construction of the big boat’s cultural knowledge map online in the learning platform)? This research adopted an action research method. The participants were seven sixth-grade Tao students. The research introduced idea-centered knowledge-building pedagogy in the teaching of a cultural curriculum. By using a descriptive qualitative method, we analyzed online activities recorded in the database and we also analyzed whether the cultural knowledge constructed online collectively on the platform was consistent with that of the individual hand-drawn big boat mind map, to make sure if students actually gained cultural knowledge from their collective knowledge building. The result showed knowledge building pedagogy can help effectively form a cohesive community, helping students collectively construct community cultural knowledge, while enhancing individual’s big boat cultural knowledge and personal understanding. Some implications for curricular and culture were discussed.
頁次 038-056
關鍵詞 大船文化 文化知識 知識翻新教學 想法 big boat culture cultural knowledge knowledge-building pedagogy ideas
卷期 324
日期 202104
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021040324003